首页 > 解决方案 > 检查我们是否可以用数字求奇数的程序


所以基本上这个程序需要几个测试用例,这些测试用例由一系列数字(长度为 n)组成。应该看到,如果序列中至少存在一个长度为 x 的组合,那么它们的总和将是奇数。仅存在一种这样的组合就足够了。如果可能,我们打印“是”,否则打印“否”。

例如,如果我们输入 1(t=1,一个测试用例)3 2(n=3,也就是总共 3 个 nrs,x=2,也就是考虑其中任意 2 个)16 11 12(这些是数字)

2个偶数,1个奇数。11+12 是奇数,所以输出是 Yes。 在此处输入图像描述


3 3
101 102 103

如果我自己检查它,这意味着只有这一个测试用例,它会输出正确的“否”。如果它与其他测试用例一起,意味着它是测试 2 或更低,它输出“是”。



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int t, n, x, k, c_even{ 0 }, c_odd{ 0 };
    string v{"No\n"};
    cin >> t;
    //t is the number of total cases
    for (int i = 1; i <= t; i++)
        c_even = 0; //counter for even numbers
        c_odd = 0; // counter for odd numbers
        cin >> n >> x; // n is the total length of the sequence of nrs, x is how many numbers we consider out of the sequence

        //this for loop is for introducing the sequence and counting how many nrs are odd and even
        for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
            cin >> k;
            if (k % 2 == 0)
            else c_odd++;
        //obv if there are no odd nrs, sum won't ever be odd
        if (c_odd == 0)
            v = "No\n";

        for example, say we have 5 odd numbers, 3 even, and we have to consider 5 numbers out of total 8.
        the for loop starts with 1. it checks if 1+3>=5, meaning if we have enough even nrs to make odd sum. it's not correct in this case.
        then it goes to o=3; it checks if 3+3>=5. correct! so we have enough even nrs to make odd sum. other cases don't have to be considered.
        else for (int o = 1; o <= c_odd; o += 2)
            if (o + c_even >=x)
                v = "Yes\n";
        cout << v;

标签: c++sum


只好先搬进string v{"No\n"};去了。
正如cigien所说,如果string v{"No\n"};在第一个循环之外,如果一个迭代将 v 设置为“是”并且下一个不满足

if (c_odd == 0)
            v = "No\n";

换句话说,v 保持“是”,程序会自动输出“是”,尽管它不是正确答案。
通过将那段代码移动到第一个 for 中,我们确保每次迭代都以 v 作为“否”开始。
