首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在VBA中比较数字到一定的小数位数?


我有下面的代码来比较同一工作簿中两个不同工作表的值,但我只需要比较到小数点后 2 位,即 123.45 而不是 123.4568786。有没有办法指定十进制值的数量进行比较?

difference = 0
For col = 1 To maxcol
For row = 1 To maxrow
    colval1 = ""
    colcal2 = ""
    colval1 = Ws1.Cells(row, col)
    colval2 = Ws2.Cells(row, col)
        If colval1 <> colval2 Then
            difference = difference + 1
            Cells(row, col) = colval1 & "<>" & colval2
        End If
Next row
Next col



编辑:我声明colval1andcolval2为 Double,但我仍然得到“类型不匹配”,但使用这一行colval1 = Ws1.Cells(row, col)

difference = 0
For col = 1 To maxcol
For row = 1 To maxrow
    colval1 = 0
    colcal2 = 0
    colval1 = Ws1.Cells(row, col)
    colval2 = Ws2.Cells(row, col)
        If WorksheetFunction.Round(colval1, 2) <> WorksheetFunction.Round(colval2, 2) Then
            difference = difference + 1
            Cells(row, col) = colval1 & "<>" & colval2
        End If
Next row
Next col

标签: excelvba


You can use the VBA's round function which returns the rounded number based on the specified number of decimal places

    If Round(colval1, 2) <> Round(colval2, 2) Then
        difference = difference + 1
        Cells(Row, col) = Round(colval1, 2) & "<>" & Round(colval2, 2)
    End If


    colval1 = Round(Ws1.Cells(Row, col), 2)
    colval2 = Round(Ws2.Cells(Row, col), 2)
    If colval1 <> colval2 Then
        difference = difference + 1
        Cells(Row, col) = colval1 & "<>" & colval2
    End If

regarding the right annotation of @BigBen, we can define a small function that returns the desired value without rounding

Public Function Round2(Num As Variant, Decimals As Variant) As Variant
        Round2 = IIf(IsNumeric(Num) And IsNumeric(Decimals), Int(Num * 10 ^ Decimals) / 10 ^ Decimals, CVErr(xlErrValue))
End Function
