首页 > 解决方案 > 优化循环/嵌套循环


我正在循环中工作,自然而然地从一个具有挑战性的开始!我有一个包含多张工作表的工作簿。每个工作表都有完成“小部件”的操作。我正在尝试遍历一系列单元格并按日期搜索以找到匹配的日期。如果该日期匹配,我想在该列的第 7 行添加标准时间。我能够通过强力代码完成这项工作,并为每一列复制并粘贴我的循环。我真的不想为每个选项卡上的所有列执行此操作。


编辑:基本上我想要做的是从 I12 开始,循环到列底部查找日期,然后计算我看到的次数以将 PPC 小时数 (I7) 相加。然后,移动到 J12,循环到列的底部,移动到 K12,循环到底部,为 Assy 增加小时数。ETC...


Sub Resource_Overview()
'Summary of daily tasks by worktype

'Declare the variables we'll need
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim LastColumn As Long
Dim StartCell As Range
Dim i As Double 'for counters, using double to add up decimals
Dim Assy, Solder, QC, Weld, Test, PPC As Double 'variables to hold std hours total
Dim a As Long

Assy = 0#
Solder = 0#
QC = 0#
Weld = 0#
Test = 0#
PPC = 0#

'Find Last Row and Column
Set sht = ActiveSheet
Set StartCell = Range("I12")
LastRow = sht.Cells(sht.Rows.Count, StartCell.Column).End(xlUp).Row
LastColumn = sht.Cells(StartCell.Row, sht.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 3 '-3 columns to not count need date or ECD info

Set sht = ActiveSheet
Set StartCell = Range("I12")
    For i = 12 To LastRow
        If Range("I" & i).Value = 44154 Then
            If Range("I" & 1) = "Assy" Then
                Assy = Assy + Range("I7").Value
            ElseIf Range("I" & 1) = "Solder" Then
                Solder = Solder + Range("I7").Value
            ElseIf Range("I" & 1) = "Weld" Then
                Weld = Weld + Range("I7").Value
            ElseIf Range("I" & 1) = "Test" Then
                Test = Test + Range("I7").Value
            ElseIf Range("I" & 1) = "PPC" Then
                PPC = PPC + Range("I7").Value
            ElseIf Range("I" & 1) = "QC" Then
                QC = QC + Range("I7").Value
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    For i = 12 To LastRow
        If Range("J" & i).Value = 44154 Then
            If Range("J" & 1) = "Assy" Then
                Assy = Assy + Range("J7").Value
            ElseIf Range("J" & 1) = "Solder" Then
                Solder = Solder + Range("J7").Value
            ElseIf Range("J" & 1) = "Weld" Then
                Weld = Weld + Range("J7").Value
            ElseIf Range("J" & 1) = "Test" Then
                Test = Test + Range("J7").Value
            ElseIf Range("J" & 1) = "PPC" Then
                PPC = PPC + Range("J7").Value
            ElseIf Range("J" & 1) = "QC" Then
                QC = QC + Range("J7").Value
            End If
        End If
    Next i
        For i = 12 To LastRow
        If Range("K" & i).Value = 44154 Then
            If Range("K" & 1) = "Assy" Then
                Assy = Assy + Range("K7").Value
            ElseIf Range("K" & 1) = "Solder" Then
                Solder = Solder + Range("K7").Value
            ElseIf Range("K" & 1) = "Weld" Then
                Weld = Weld + Range("K7").Value
            ElseIf Range("K" & 1) = "Test" Then
                Test = Test + Range("K7").Value
            ElseIf Range("K" & 1) = "PPC" Then
                PPC = PPC + Range("K7").Value
            ElseIf Range("K" & 1) = "QC" Then
                QC = QC + Range("K7").Value
            End If
        End If
    Next i
        For i = 12 To LastRow
        If Range("L" & i).Value = 44154 Then
            If Range("L" & 1) = "Assy" Then
                Assy = Assy + Range("L7").Value
            ElseIf Range("L" & 1) = "Solder" Then
                Solder = Solder + Range("L7").Value
            ElseIf Range("L" & 1) = "Weld" Then
                Weld = Weld + Range("L7").Value
            ElseIf Range("L" & 1) = "Test" Then
                Test = Test + Range("L7").Value
            ElseIf Range("L" & 1) = "PPC" Then
                PPC = PPC + Range("L7").Value
            ElseIf Range("L" & 1) = "QC" Then
                QC = QC + Range("L7").Value
            End If
        End If
    Next i

        For i = 12 To LastRow
        If Range("M" & i).Value = 44154 Then
            If Range("M" & 1) = "Assy" Then
                Assy = Assy + Range("L7").Value
            ElseIf Range("M" & 1) = "Solder" Then
                Solder = Solder + Range("M7").Value
            ElseIf Range("M" & 1) = "Weld" Then
                Weld = Weld + Range("M7").Value
            ElseIf Range("M" & 1) = "Test" Then
                Test = Test + Range("M7").Value
            ElseIf Range("M" & 1) = "PPC" Then
                PPC = PPC + Range("M7").Value
            ElseIf Range("M" & 1) = "QC" Then
                QC = QC + Range("M7").Value
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    Range("B2") = PPC
    Range("B3") = Assy
    Range("B4") = Solder
    Range("B5") = QC
End Sub

标签: arraysvbaloopsnestednested-loops



Range(A1:D1) -> Range(Cells(A1), Cells(D1)) -> 

Range(Cells(row number, column number), Cells(row number, column number)) -> 

Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 4))

如果范围是“A1”。我们可以编写Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 1))或使用单元格引用Cells(1,1)



Sub Resource_Overview()
'Summary of daily tasks by worktype

'Declare the variables we'll need
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim LastColumn As Long
Dim StartCell As Range
Dim i As, j As Long 'I always use long
Dim Assy, Solder, QC, Weld, Test, PPC As Double 'variables to hold std hours total
Dim a As Long

Assy = 0#
Solder = 0#
QC = 0#
Weld = 0#
Test = 0#
PPC = 0#

'Find Last Row and Column
Set sht = ActiveSheet
Set StartCell = Range("I12")
LastRow = sht.Cells(sht.Rows.Count, StartCell.Column).End(xlUp).Row
LastColumn = sht.Cells(StartCell.Row, sht.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 3 '-3 columns to not count need date or ECD info

Set sht = ActiveSheet

For i = 9 To LastColumn 'Set from which column number you want the loop to start from
    For j = 12 To LastRow
        If Cells(j,i).Value = 44154 Then
            If Cells(1,i).Value = "Assy" Then
                Assy = Assy + Cells(7,i).Value
            ElseIf Cells(1,i).Value = "Solder" Then
                Solder = Solder + Cells(7,i).Value
            ElseIf Cells(1,i).Value = "Weld" Then
                Weld = Weld + Cells(7,i).Value
            ElseIf Cells(1,i).Value = "Test" Then
                Test = Test + Cells(7,i).Value
            ElseIf Cells(1,i).Value = "PPC" Then
                PPC = PPC + Cells(7,i).Value
            ElseIf Cells(1,i).Value = "QC" Then
                QC = QC + Cells(7,i).Value
            End If
        End If
    Next j
Next i

Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2") = PPC
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B3") = Assy
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B4") = Solder
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B5") = QC

End Sub
