首页 > 解决方案 > SQL - 在一对多关系中加入最新的 1 值



这是一个 postgresql 数据库。

当前查询引用并汇总来自 7 个不同表的数据。我在下面包含了每个表的图表,以及它们之间的链接关系。我同意,此查询应拆分为单独的更相关的报告,但这是客户要求的。







account.id as "Account ID",
account.firstname as "Seller First Name", 
account.lastname as "Seller Last Name",
account.email as "Seller Email",
account.phone as "Seller Phone",
address.address as "Seller Address (Street)",
address.address_2 as "Seller Address 2",
account.zip_code as "Seller Zip",
address.neighborhood as "Seller Neighborhood",
menu.name as "Name of active menu",
kitchen_item.name as "Dishes", 
kitchen_item.price as "Price",
kitchen_item.daily_max_orders as "Quantity",
menu.pickup_start_time as "Start time", 
menu.pickup_end_time as "End time",
menu.repeat_mon as "Monday",
menu.repeat_tues as "Tuesday",
menu.repeat_wed as "Wednesday",
menu.repeat_thurs as "Thursday",
menu.repeat_fri as "Friday",
menu.repeat_sat as "Saturday", 
menu.repeat_sun as "Sunday"
from account
left join store on account.id = store.account_id
left join menu on store.id = menu.store_id
left join menu_item on menu.id = menu_item.menu_id
left join kitchen_item on (menu_item.kitchen_item_id = kitchen_item.id and store.id = kitchen_item.store_id)
join store_address on store.id = store_address.store_id
join address on store_address.address_id = address.id
group by account.id, account.firstname, account.lastname, account.email, account.phone, address.address, address.address_2, account.zip_code, address.neighborhood, menu.name, kitchen_item.name, kitchen_item.price, kitchen_item.daily_max_orders, menu.pickup_start_time, menu.pickup_end_time, menu.repeat_mon, menu.repeat_tues, menu.repeat_wed, menu.repeat_thurs, menu.repeat_fri, menu.repeat_sat, menu.repeat_sun
order by account.id asc;

这是我试图从上面的链接中借用的解决方案......令人惊讶的是,它不起作用:)(插入到最后一个 JOIN 的正下方):

inner join (
    SELECT orders.store_id,
    MAX(orders.placed) maxdate
    from orders
    group by orders.store_id
    ) maxdates on account.id = maxdates.buyer_account_id INNER JOIN
    orders o on maxdates.store_id = store.id
    and maxdates.maxdate = o.placed



编辑 - 我很抱歉,我意识到这对我来说有点太多了,除了屏幕截图之外提供示例数据和预期输出。链接问题中有一个简化的示例,但我不知道如何将逻辑应用于我的查询。

标签: sqlpostgresqljoin



要获得商店中的最新销售,您可以使用 postgresql 的 DISTINCT ON(请参阅docs)。

select distinct on (account.id, kitchen_item.name)
account.id as "Account ID",
account.firstname as "Seller First Name", 
account.lastname as "Seller Last Name",
account.email as "Seller Email",
account.phone as "Seller Phone",
address.address as "Seller Address (Street)",
address.address_2 as "Seller Address 2",
account.zip_code as "Seller Zip",
address.neighborhood as "Seller Neighborhood",
menu.name as "Name of active menu",
kitchen_item.name as "Dishes", 
kitchen_item.price as "Price",
kitchen_item.daily_max_orders as "Quantity",
menu.pickup_start_time as "Start time", 
menu.pickup_end_time as "End time",
menu.repeat_mon as "Monday",
menu.repeat_tues as "Tuesday",
menu.repeat_wed as "Wednesday",
menu.repeat_thurs as "Thursday",
menu.repeat_fri as "Friday",
menu.repeat_sat as "Saturday", 
menu.repeat_sun as "Sunday",
orders.time_placed as "Last Store Sale"
from account
left join store on account.id = store.account_id
left join menu on store.id = menu.store_id
left join menu_item on menu.id = menu_item.menu_id
left join kitchen_item on (menu_item.kitchen_item_id = kitchen_item.id and store.id = kitchen_item.store_id)
left join orders on (orders.store_id = store.id)
join store_address on store.id = store_address.store_id
join address on store_address.address_id = address.id
order by account.id asc, kitchen_item.name asc, orders.time_placed desc;
