首页 > 解决方案 > Redux 如何在嵌套属性上使用 createEntityAdapter?


我正在使用 React/Redux 创建一个应用程序,并且我不熟悉使用 React 和 Redux。我一直在试图弄清楚如何构建 redux 商店。这是我要实现的目标的简要描述,使用书籍示例进行概括,如 redux createEntityAdapter 文档




bookList : [ Book1, Book2, Book3, ...]
ChapterList: { 
  Book1 : {
    chapters: [
         Chapter : 'Chapter1',
         info: 'Chapter info',
         other: 'more stuff'
         Chapter : 'Chapter2',
         info: 'Chapter info',
         other: 'more stuff'
    bookInfo: 'info about book'
  Book2 : { ... },
  Book3 : { ... }

问题是章节信息正在流式传输,因此会不断更新,丢失的章节可能随时到达。因此,每次新数据到达时,我都需要对章节数组进行排序,而数组不是很长,大约 50 个元素,新数据每秒到达几次。

我打算使用 createEntityAdapter 来规范化 chapters 数组,但鉴于它嵌套在 Book# 属性中并且需要 Book# 属性,因为我正在使用 ChapterList 组件的多个实例,所以我看不出这是怎么可能的。

const ChapterListAdapter = createEntityAdapter({
  // where bookNum needs to Book1, Book2, Book3 etc... 
  selectId: (chapterList) => chapterList[bookNum].chapters,

  sortComparer: (a, b) => a.chapters.localeCompare(b.chapters


标签: reactjsreduxredux-toolkit



您可以查看有关标准化状态形状的 Redux 指南作为起点。



  books: {
    ids: [1, 2, 3],
    entities: {
      1: {
        id: 1,
        title: "Book 1",
        bookInfo: 'info about book',
        chapterIds: [75, 962, 64], // an ordered array of chapters
      2: { /* ... */ },
      3: { /* ... */ }
  chapters: {
    ids: [64, 75, 962],
    entities: {
      64: {
        id: 64,
        name: "Some Chapter Title",
        info: "",
        other: "",
        bookId: 1 // the id of the book that this chapter belongs to
      75: { /* ... */ },
      962:  { /* ... */ }

在 TypeScript 术语中:

import { EntityState, EntityId } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";

export interface Book {
  id: EntityId;
  title: string;
  bookInfo: string;
  chapterIds: EntityId[];

export interface Chapter {
  id: EntityId;
  name: string;
  info: string,
  other: string;
  bookId: EntityId;

interface State {
  books: EntityState<Book>;
  chapters: EntityState<Chapter>;


编写组件对我来说更容易。我们有选择器从 id 中选择完整的实体对象:

const bookAdapter = createEntityAdapter<Book>();

const chapterAdapter = createEntityAdapter<Chapter>();

export const {
  selectIds: selectBookIds,
  selectById: selectBookById
} = bookAdapter.getSelectors((state: State) => state.books);

export const { 
  selectById: selectChapterById
} = chapterAdapter.getSelectors((state: State) => state.chapters);


const Chapter = ({ id }: { id: EntityId }) => {
  const chapter = useSelector((state) => selectChapterById(state, id));

  // probably some hook here to request the chapter if not loaded
  // dispatch an async thunk inside of a useEffect

  if (!chapter) {
    return <Loading />;

  return (

const Book = ({ id }: { id: EntityId }) => {
  const book = useSelector((state) => selectBookById(state, id));

  // probably some hook here to request the book if not loaded
  // dispatch an async thunk inside of a useEffect

  if (!book) {
    return <Loading />;

  return (
        {book.chapterIds.map((chapterId) => (
          <li key={chapterId}>
            <Chapter id={chapterId} />

您可以查看此答案以获取有关如何仅在尚未加载实体的情况下从 API 请求实体的更多信息。
