首页 > 解决方案 > Tkinter Canvas create_window 函数未显示所需的小部件




parent-> 这是顶层窗口

lbl_text-> 这将是LabelFrame顶部的小文本

widgets-> 这是我想放在圆角框架中的小部件列表

def rndframe(parent, lbl_text, widgets
    # content_positioner and max_width is for calculate the requiered size of the canvas to be big 
    # enough for all the passed widgets, and to determine the coordinates for create_window function. 
    # It works perfectly and I get all the information I want.
    content_positioner = [14]
    max_width = 1
    for i, item in enumerate(widgets):
        if widgets[i].winfo_reqwidth() > max_width:
            max_width = widgets[i].winfo_reqwidth()

    height = max(content_positioner)+10
    width = max_width+10

    # Here I create the canvas which will contain everything
    canv = TK.Canvas(parent, height=height, width=width, bg='green', bd=0, highlightthickness=0)
    # Here I draw the rounded frame
    radius = 10
    x1 = 2
    y1 = 5
    x2 = width-2
    y2 = height-2
    points = [x1+radius, y1, x2-radius, y1, x2, y1, x2, y1+radius, x2, y2-radius, x2, y2,               
              x2-radius, y2, x1+radius, y2, x1, y2, x1, y2-radius, x1, y1+radius, x1, y1]             
    canv.create_polygon(points, smooth=True, outline=DS.menu_bg, width=3, fill='')

    # Here I put the litle label in the frmae 
    label = TK.Label(parent, text=lbl_text, bg=DS.main_bg, padx=3, pady=0, fg=DS.main_textcolor)
    canv.create_window(18, 5, anchor='w', window=label)

    # And thats the part where I would like to place all the passed widgets based on the coordinate 
    # list I preveously created but nothing appear just the frame polygon and the liitle label on it.
    for w, widget in enumerate(widgets):
        canv.create_window(width/2, content_positioner[w], anchor='n', window=widgets[w])

    return canv


id_num = TK.Label(result_area_leaf, text='123-4567')
id_num2 = TK.Label(result_area_leaf, text='123-4567')
id_holder = rndframe(result_area_leaf, lbl_text='id', widgets=[id_num, id_num2])

标签: pythontkintercanvas




多谢你们 ;)
