首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 lapply(t) 转置列表时忽略行号


我有一些代码可以将我的数据帧列表从水平格式转换为垂直格式。当我检查列表时,我注意到数据帧的行号被包括在内(664、665、670 等)。为了转置列表,我使用 lapply(t) ,它除了包含那些讨厌的行号外,现在使结果列表条目不是数据框。我是使用 lapply 的新手;有没有办法使用 lapply 来转置我的列表,同时排除这些数字?

category                    "Changes in Daily Activity"        
Variable Name               "NOTICE"                           
Variabe Description / Label "When did you first notice decline"
Variable Format             "DATE9."                           
Variable Allowable Values   ""                                 
Method of Data Collection   "Informant"                        
Data Type                   "Num"                              

category                    "Changes in Daily Activity"
Variable Name               "MONTHS"                   
Variabe Description / Label "Number of months elapsed" 
Variable Format             "3."                       
Variable Allowable Values   ""                         
Method of Data Collection   "Informant"                
Data Type                   "Num"                      


category                    "Changes in Daily Activity"                                                                           
Variable Name               "COURMEM"                                                                                             
Variabe Description / Label "Has the course of the decline been a steady downhill progression or have there been abrupt declines?"
Variable Format             "1."                                                                                                  
Variable Allowable Values   "1 = Steady\n2 = Abrupt\n3 = Not Known"                                                               
Method of Data Collection   "Informant"                                                                                           
Data Type                   "Num" 


list(`1` = structure(c("Changes in Daily Activity", "NOTICE", 
"When did you first notice decline", "DATE9.", "", "Informant", 
"Num"), .Dim = c(7L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(c("category", "Variable Name", 
"Variabe Description / Label", "Variable Format", "Variable Allowable Values", 
"Method of Data Collection", "Data Type"), "664")), `2` = structure(c("Changes in Daily Activity", 
"MONTHS", "Number of months elapsed", "3.", "", "Informant", 
"Num"), .Dim = c(7L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(c("category", "Variable Name", 
"Variabe Description / Label", "Variable Format", "Variable Allowable Values", 
"Method of Data Collection", "Data Type"), "665")), `3` = structure(c("Changes in Daily Activity", 
"SLOWDECL", "Did this happen slowly or suddenly?", "1", "1 = Slowly\n2 = Suddenly\n3 = Not Known", 
"Informant", "Num"), .Dim = c(7L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(c("category", 
"Variable Name", "Variabe Description / Label", "Variable Format", 
"Variable Allowable Values", "Method of Data Collection", "Data Type"
), "666")), `4` = structure(c("Changes in Daily Activity", "COURMENT", 
"Has the course of the decline been a steady downhill progression or have there been abrupt declines?", 
"1", "1 = Steady\n2 = Abrupt\n3 = Not Known", "Informant", "Num"
), .Dim = c(7L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(c("category", "Variable Name", 
"Variabe Description / Label", "Variable Format", "Variable Allowable Values", 
"Method of Data Collection", "Data Type"), "667")), `5` = structure(c("Changes in Daily Activity", 
"SLOWREM", "Did this happen slowly or suddenly?", "1.", "1 = Slowly\n2 = Suddenly\n3 = Not Known", 
"Informant", "Num"), .Dim = c(7L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(c("category", 
"Variable Name", "Variabe Description / Label", "Variable Format", 
"Variable Allowable Values", "Method of Data Collection", "Data Type"
), "669")), `6` = structure(c("Changes in Daily Activity", "COURMEM", 
"Has the course of the decline been a steady downhill progression or have there been abrupt declines?", 
"1.", "1 = Steady\n2 = Abrupt\n3 = Not Known", "Informant", "Num"
), .Dim = c(7L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(c("category", "Variable Name", 
"Variabe Description / Label", "Variable Format", "Variable Allowable Values", 
"Method of Data Collection", "Data Type"), "670")))

我想要的是要排除的数字(即 664、665 和 670)。这样它看起来像这样:

category                    "Changes in Daily Activity"        
Variable Name               "NOTICE"                           
Variabe Description / Label "When did you first notice decline"
Variable Format             "DATE9."                           
Variable Allowable Values   ""                                 
Method of Data Collection   "Informant"                        
Data Type                   "Num"                              

category                    "Changes in Daily Activity"
Variable Name               "MONTHS"                   
Variabe Description / Label "Number of months elapsed" 
Variable Format             "3."                       
Variable Allowable Values   ""                         
Method of Data Collection   "Informant"                
Data Type                   "Num"                      


category                    "Changes in Daily Activity"                                                                           
Variable Name               "COURMEM"                                                                                             
Variabe Description / Label "Has the course of the decline been a steady downhill progression or have there been abrupt declines?"
Variable Format             "1."                                                                                                  
Variable Allowable Values   "1 = Steady\n2 = Abrupt\n3 = Not Known"                                                               
Method of Data Collection   "Informant"                                                                                           
Data Type                   "Num" 

标签: rlapplytranspose



cda <- lapply(cda, function(x) {colnames(x) <- '';x})

#category                    "Changes in Daily Activity"        
#Variable Name               "NOTICE"                           
#Variabe Description / Label "When did you first notice decline"
#Variable Format             "DATE9."                           
#Variable Allowable Values   ""                                 
#Method of Data Collection   "Informant"                        
#Data Type                   "Num"                              

#category                    "Changes in Daily Activity"
#Variable Name               "MONTHS"                   
#Variabe Description / Label "Number of months elapsed" 
#Variable Format             "3."                       
#Variable Allowable Values   ""                         
#Method of Data Collection   "Informant"                
#Data Type                   "Num" 

