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CS101:实验 #12 写作课 II

在本实验中,您将编写三个类:Die、PairOfDice 和 Player。

Die 类模仿骰子的滚动。具体来说,这个类将实现以下方法:

 将骰子的面数初始化为 6 的默认构造函数。

 具有整数边数的重载构造函数(假设大于 1)。

 roll 生成并返回一个介于 1 和边数(含)之间的随机数。

 一种读取骰子面值的访问器方法。

 返回面值的字符串表示形式的 toString 方法。

最大边数应作为私有常量存储在 Die 类中。还使用 Random 类作为随机数生成器。

PairOfDice 类模拟两个骰子的滚动。具体来说,这个类将实现以下方法:

 一个默认构造函数,它创建并将每个骰子的面数初始化为 6。

 一个重载的构造函数,它创建并采用两个整数边,每个骰子一个。

 roll 掷骰子并返回总和。

 读取骰子总和的访问器方法。

Player 类实现了 main 方法,该方法创建骰子对并将它们滚动数次以报告结果。

public class Player {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        Die die1 = new Die ();
        System.out.println ( die1);

        PairOfDice sum = new PairOfDice ( ); 
        System.out.println (sum );
import java.util.Random;

public class PairOfDice 
        private int maxSides = 6;
        private int sides = 1;
        private int maxSides2 = 6;
        private int sides2 = 1;
        private Random randNum;
        private Random randNum2;
        private int sum;
        public int die1;
        public int die2;
        public int MaxSides ()
            maxSides = 6;
            maxSides2 = 6;
            return maxSides + maxSides2;

        public PairOfDice (int roll)
            randNum.nextInt (); 
            randNum2.nextInt ();
        public int roll ()
            sides = randNum.nextInt ( maxSides) + 1; 
            sides2 = randNum2.nextInt ( maxSides2) + 1; 
            return  ((randNum.nextInt (maxSides) + 1) + ( randNum2.nextInt (maxSides2) + 1))  ; 

        public int getfaceOfDie ( )
            sum = sides + sides2;
            return sum;


        public  String toString ()
            return ( "Sum is:" + sum);
import java.util.Random;

public class Die 
    private int maxSides = 6;
    public int sides = 1;
    private Random randNum;

    // A default constructor initializing the number of sides of a die to 6.
    public int MaxSides ()
        maxSides = 6;
        return maxSides;


    // An overloaded constructor that takes an integer number of sides (assume greater than 1).
    public Die(int roll)
        randNum.nextInt (6); 


    //roll which generates and returns a random number between 1 and the number of sides

    public int roll ()
        sides = randNum.nextInt ( maxSides) + 1; 

        return  randNum.nextInt (maxSides) + 1; 

    //An accessor method to read the value of the face on the die.
    public int getfaceOfDie()
        return sides;

    // A toString method returning the string representation of the face value.

    public  String toString ()
        return ( "Die rolled:" + sides);

我无法打印出来。这就是我得到的 _JAVA_OPTIONS:-Xmx512m 线程“main”中的异常 java.lang.Error:未解决的编译问题:构造函数 PairOfDice() 未定义 语法错误,插入“VariableDeclarators”以完成 LocalVariableDeclaration roll 无法解决或是不是字段构造函数 Die() 未定义

at Player.main(Player.java:12)

在此处输入代码 import java.util.Random;

public class Die 
private int maxSides = 6;
public int sides = 1;
private Random randNum;

// A default constructor initializing the number of sides of a die to 6.
public int MaxSides ()
    maxSides = 6;
    return maxSides;


// An overloaded constructor that takes an integer number of sides (assume 
greater than 1).
public Die(int roll)
    randNum.nextInt (6); 


//roll which generates and returns a random number between 1 and the 
 number of sides

public int roll ()
    sides = randNum.nextInt ( maxSides) + 1; 

    return  randNum.nextInt (maxSides) + 1; 

//An accessor method to read the value of the face on the die.
public int getfaceOfDie()
    return sides;

// A toString method returning the string representation of the face value.

public  String toString ()
    return ( "Die rolled:" + sides);

import java.util.Random;

public class PairOfDice 
    private int maxSides = 6;
    private int sides = 1;
    private int maxSides2 = 6;
    private int sides2 = 1;
    private Random randNum;
    private Random randNum2;
    private int sum;
    public int die1;
    public int die2;
    public int MaxSides ()
        maxSides = 6;
        maxSides2 = 6;
        return maxSides + maxSides2;

    public PairOfDice (int roll)
        randNum.nextInt (); 
        randNum2.nextInt ();
    public int roll ()
        sides = randNum.nextInt ( maxSides) + 1; 
        sides2 = randNum2.nextInt ( maxSides2) + 1; 
        return  ((randNum.nextInt (maxSides) + 1) + ( randNum2.nextInt 
 (maxSides2) + 1))  ; 

    public int getfaceOfDie ( )
        sum = sides + sides2;
        return sum;


    public  String toString ()
        return ( "Sum is:" + sum);

标签: javaloops


只需替换System.out.println(" ")System.out.print(" ")

public static void foo(int rows) {
    for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++) {
        if (i > 1)
            System.out.print(' ');

        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)

