首页 > 解决方案 > 对于大型文本数据,如何使 pandas df 列中的文本处理更快?


我有一个超过 1GB 的聊天数据 (chat.txt) 的大文本文件,格式如下:

tom|12-02-1999|hey#,john$,hows#, it#, goin#
john|12-02-2000|well#,its#,been#,nice#,catching#,up#,with#,you#,and#, mary$

我想处理这个文本并分别为每个用户总结某些关键字的字数(比如 500 个字 - 你好,很好,比如.... 晚餐,不)。此过程还涉及从每个单词中删除所有尾随特殊字符


user   hello   nice   like    .....    dinner  No  
Tom    10000   500     300    .....    6000    0
John   6000    1200    200    .....    3000    5
Mary   23      9000    10000  .....    100     9000 

这是我目前的 pythonic 解决方案:

chat_data = pd.read_csv("chat.txt", sep="|", names =["user","date","words"])
user_lst = chat_data.user.unique()
user_grouped_data= pd.DataFrame(columns=["user","words"])

for i,row in user_grouped_data.iterrows():
    id = row["user"]
    temp = chat_data[chat_data["user"]==id]
    user_grouped_data.loc[i,"words"] = ",".join(temp["words"].tolist())

result = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ "user", "hello", "nice", "like","...500 other keywords...", "dinner", "no"])
result["user"]= user_lst

for i, row in result.iterrows():
    id = row["user"]
    temp = user_grouped_data[user_grouped_data["user"]==id]
    words =  temp.values.tolist()[0][1]
    word_lst = words.split(",")
    word_lst = [item[0:-1] for item in word_lst]
    t_dict = Counter(word_lst)
    keys = t_dict.keys()
    for word in keys:
        result.at[i,word]= t_dict.get(word)


这适用于小数据,但是当我的 chat_data 超过 1gb 时,此解决方案变得非常缓慢且无法使用。


标签: pythonpython-3.xregexpandasdataframe


您可以split将逗号分隔的列转换为列表,explode通过该列表列、groupby名称和分解列表中的值unstack或数据框转换为所需格式的数据框,并使用, ,pivot_table对多索引列进行一些最终清理等等droplevel()reset_index()

下面所有的都是矢量化的 pandas 方法,所以希望它很快。注意:当我从剪贴板读取并传递时,下面代码中的三列是 [0,1,2]headers=None


df = pd.DataFrame({0: {0: 'john', 1: 'tom', 2: 'mary', 3: 'john', 4: 'mary'},
 1: {0: '12-02-1999',
  1: '12-02-1999',
  2: '12-03-1999',
  3: '12-02-2000',
  4: '12-03-2000'},
 2: {0: 'hello#,there#,how#,are#,you#,tom$ ',
  1: 'hey#,john$,hows#, it#, goin#',
  2: "hello#,boys#,fancy#,meetin#,ya'll#,here#",
  3: 'well#,its#,been#,nice#,catching#,up#,with#,you#,and#, mary$',
  4: 'catch#,you#,on#,the#,flipside#,tom$,and#,john$'}})


df[2] = df[2].replace(['\#', '\$'],'', regex=True).str.split(',')
df = (df.explode(2)
      .groupby([0, 2])[2].count()
df.columns = df.columns.droplevel()
df = df.reset_index()
2     0   goin   it   mary  and  are  been  boys  catch  catching  ...   on  \
0  john    0.0  0.0    1.0  1.0  1.0   1.0   0.0    0.0       1.0  ...  0.0   
1  mary    0.0  0.0    0.0  1.0  0.0   0.0   1.0    1.0       0.0  ...  1.0   
2   tom    1.0  1.0    0.0  0.0  0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0       0.0  ...  0.0   

2  the  there  tom  tom    up  well  with  ya'll  you  
0  0.0    1.0  0.0   1.0  1.0   1.0   1.0    0.0  2.0  
1  1.0    0.0  1.0   0.0  0.0   0.0   0.0    1.0  1.0  

您也可以使用.pivot_table而不是.unstack(),这样可以为您节省这行代码df.columns = df.columns.droplevel()

df[2] = df[2].replace(['\#', '\$'],'', regex=True).str.split(',')
df = (df.explode(2)
      .groupby([0, 2])[2].count()
      .pivot_table(index=0, columns=2, values='Count')
2     0   goin   it   mary  and  are  been  boys  catch  catching  ...  on  \
0  john      0    0      1    1    1     1     0      0         1  ...   0   
1  mary      0    0      0    1    0     0     1      1         0  ...   1   
2   tom      1    1      0    0    0     0     0      0         0  ...   0   

2  the  there  tom  tom   up  well  with  ya'll  you  
0    0      1    0     1   1     1     1      0    2  
1    1      0    1     0   0     0     0      1    1  
2    0      0    0     0   0     0     0      0    0  

[3 rows x 31 columns]
