首页 > 解决方案 > Flutter Firebase,无法连接到 Firestore,App 崩溃


我刚刚重构了我的项目以使用最新的FlutterFiresdk > 0.14.1,突然在以前工作的项目中,我得到了这些日志

[OnlineStateTracker]: Could not reach Cloud Firestore backend. Backend didn't respond within 10 seconds
W/Firestore( 4617):
W/Firestore( 4617): This typically indicates that your device does not have a healthy Internet connection at the moment. The client will operate in offline mode until it is able to successfully connect to the backend.

我可以验证我的设备是否具有非常稳定的 Internet 连接。


Failed to open database '/data/user/0/in.topbrain.quizzie/databases/firestore.%5BDEFAULT%5D.proto-3b7e0.%28default%29'.
E/SQLiteDatabase( 5755): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabaseLockedException: database is locked (code 5 SQLITE_BUSY[5]): , while compiling: PRAGMA journal_mode

E/AndroidRuntime( 4617): Process: in.topbrain.quizzie, PID: 4617
E/AndroidRuntime( 4617): java.lang.RuntimeException: Internal error in Cloud Firestore (21.4.3)

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to gain exclusive lock to the Cloud Firestore clients offline persistence. 
This generally means you are using Cloud Firestore from multiple processes in your app. 
Keep in mind that multi-process Android apps execute the code in your Application class in all processes, so you may need to avoid initializing Cloud Firestore in your Application class.
 If you are intentionally using Cloud Firestore from multiple processes, you can only enable offline persistence (that is, call setPersistenceEnabled(true)) in one of them.

我还可以确认 myfirestore是公开的并且没有被firestore rules.

标签: firebasefluttergoogle-cloud-firestoreflutter-dependencies



