首页 > 解决方案 > 如果我的玩家可以在回合制游戏中以 x 个动作结束,我应该如何计算每个可能的终点?



任何单位都可以进入6个方向,东北,北,西北,东南,南,西南。我分配给任何单位的最大移动次数可能会上升到 6。任何更高,我担心每次移动一个单位时处理可能会变慢。







这是我用来绘制十六进制网格的代码。在绘制每个单独的十六进制后,其中心的 x 坐标和 y 坐标分别存储在 xHexes 和 yHexes 中。此外,在生成瓦片类型(例如草地、海滩)之后,瓦片类型也立即存储在名为 hexTypes 的数组中。因此,我可以通过引用它的索引来获得我想要在地图上的任何十六进制的 x 和 y 坐标和十六进制类型。


for (float a = PI/6; a < TWO_PI; a += TWO_PI/6) {
  float vx = x + cos(a) * gs*2;
  float vy = y + sin(a) * gs*2;
  vertex(vx, vy);

x 是六边形中心的 x 坐标 y 是六边形中心的 y 坐标 gs = 六边形的半径


void redrawMap() {
  float xChange = 1.7;
  float yChange = 6;
  for (int y = 0; y < ySize/hexSize; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < xSize/hexSize; x++) {
      if (x % 2 == 1) {
        // if any part of this hexagon being formed will be visible on the window and not off the window.
        if (x*hexSize*xChange <= width+2*hexSize && int(y*hexSize*yChange) <= height+3*hexSize) {
          drawHex(x*hexSize*xChange, y*hexSize*yChange, hexSize);
// only record and allow player to react with it if the entire tile is visible on the window
        if (x*hexSize*xChange < width && int(y*hexSize*yChange) < height) {
      } else {
        if (x*hexSize*xChange <= width+2*hexSize && int(y*hexSize*yChange) <= height+3*hexSize) {
          drawHex(x*hexSize*xChange, y*hexSize*yChange+(hexSize*3), hexSize);
        if (x*hexSize*xChange < width && int(y*hexSize*yChange+(hexSize*3)) < height) {

hexSize 是用户为每个六边形指定的大小,确定屏幕上的六边形数量。

标签: javaprocessing









// Debug
int unitTravelPoints = 30; // this is the number if "travel points" currently being tested, you can change it

// Golbals
float _tileSize = 60;
int _gridWidth = 10;
int _gridHeight = 20;

ArrayList<Tile> _tiles = new ArrayList<Tile>(); // all the tiles
ArrayList<Tile> _canTravel = new ArrayList<Tile>(); // tiles you can currently travel to








旅行积分呢?这就是我决定的工作方式:你的单位有有限数量的“旅行点”。这里没有单位,而是一个全局变量unitTravelPoints,它会做同样的事情。我决定使用这个比例:一个普通的瓷砖值 10 个旅行点。所以:

  1. 平原:10分
  2. 山:15分
  3. 水:1000分(这是无法通行的地形,但不详述)

我不打算详细介绍绘制网格的细节,但这主要是因为你的算法在这方面看起来比我的要好得多。另一方面,我会花一些时间来解释我是如何设计 Tiles 的。


我们正在进入 OOP:它们是Drawable. Drawable是一个基类,它包含一些基本信息,每个可见的东西都应该有:一个位置和一个isVisible可以关闭的设置。还有一个绘制它的方法,我称之为,Render()因为draw()处理已经采用了:

class Drawable {
  PVector position;
  boolean isVisible;

  public Drawable() {
    position = new PVector(0, 0);
    isVisible = true;

  public void Render() {
    // If you forget to overshadow the Render() method you'll see this error message in your console
    println("Error: A Drawable just defaulted to the catch-all Render(): '" + this.getClass() + "'.");


class Tile extends Drawable {
  int row, column;
  boolean selected = false;
  TileType type;

  ArrayList<Tile> neighbors = new ArrayList<Tile>();

  Tile(int row, int column, TileType type) {
    super(); // this calls the parent class' constructor

    this.row = row;
    this.column = column;
    this.type = type;

    // the hardcoded numbers are all cosmetics I included to make my grid looks less awful, nothing to see here
    position.x = (_tileSize * 1.5) * (column + 1);
    position.y = (_tileSize * 0.5) * (row + 1);
    // this part checks if this is an offset row to adjust the spatial coordinates
    if (row % 2 != 0) {
      position.x += _tileSize * 0.75;

  // this method looks recursive, but isn't. It doesn't call itself, but it calls it's twin from neighbors tiles
  void FillCanTravelArrayList(int travelPoints, boolean originalTile) {
    if (travelPoints >= type.travelCost) {
      // if the unit has enough travel points, we add the tile to the "the unit can get there" list
      if (!_canTravel.contains(this)) {
        // well, only if it's not already in the list
      // then we check if the unit can go further
      for (Tile t : neighbors) {
        if (originalTile) {
          t.FillCanTravelArrayList(travelPoints, false);
        } else {
          t.FillCanTravelArrayList(travelPoints - type.travelCost, false);

  void Render() {
    if (isVisible) {
      // the type knows which colors to use, so we're letting the type draw the tile


TileType 是一种奇怪的动物:它是一个真正的类,但它从未在任何地方使用过。那是因为它是所有瓷砖类型的共同根,它将继承它的基础。“城市”图块可能需要与“沙漠”图块非常不同的变量。但是两者都需要能够绘制自己,并且都需要由瓷砖拥有。

class TileType {
  // cosmetics
  color fill = color(255, 255, 255);
  color stroke = color(0);
  float strokeWeight = 2;
  // every tile has a "travelCost" variable, how much it cost to travel through it
  int travelCost = 10;

  // while I put this method here, it could have been contained in many other places
  // I just though that it made sense here
  void Render(Tile tile) {
    if (tile.selected) {
    } else {
    DrawPolygon(tile.position.x, tile.position.y, _tileSize/2, 6);
    textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
    text(tile.column + ", " + tile.row, tile.position.x, tile.position.y);


// each different tile type will adjust details like it's travel cost or fill color
class Plains extends TileType {
  Plains() {
    this.fill = color(0, 125, 0);
    this.travelCost = 10;

class Water extends TileType {
  // here I'm adding a random variable just to show that you can custom those types with whatever you need
  int numberOfFishes = 10;
  Water() {
    this.fill = color(0, 0, 125);
    this.travelCost = 1000;

class Hill extends TileType {
  Hill() {
    this.fill = color(125, 50, 50);
    this.travelCost = 15;



void mouseClicked() {
  // clearing the array which contains tiles where the unit can travel as we're changing those

  for (Tile t : _tiles) {
    // select the tile we're clicking on (and nothing else)
    t.selected = IsPointInRadius(t.position, new PVector(mouseX, mouseY), _tileSize/2);
    if (t.selected) {
      // if a tile is selected, check how far the imaginary unit can travel
      t.FillCanTravelArrayList(unitTravelPoints, true);

最后,我添加了 2 个“辅助方法”以使事情变得更容易:

// checks if a point is inside a circle's radius
boolean IsPointInRadius(PVector center, PVector point, float radius) {
  // simple math, but with a twist: I'm not using the square root because it's costly
  // we don't need to know the distance between the center and the point, so there's nothing lost here
  return pow(center.x - point.x, 2) + pow(center.y - point.y, 2) <= pow(radius, 2);

// draw a polygon (I'm using it to draw hexagons, but any regular shape could be drawn)
void DrawPolygon(float x, float y, float radius, int npoints) {
  float angle = TWO_PI / npoints;
  for (float a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle) {
    float sx = x + cos(a) * radius;
    float sy = y + sin(a) * radius;
    vertex(sx, sy);


在幕后,程序就是这样知道单元可以移动到哪里的:在这个例子中,单元有 30 个移动点。平原花费 10,丘陵花费 15。如果单位剩余的积分足够,则该图块会标记为“可以前往那里”。每次一个瓦片在移动距离内时,我们也会检查该单位是否也可以从这个瓦片走得更远。



void setup() {
  // create the grid
  for (int i=0; i<_gridWidth; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j<_gridHeight; j++) {
      int rand = (int)random(100);
      if (rand < 20) {
        _tiles.add(new Tile(j, i, new Water()));
      } else if (rand < 50) {
        _tiles.add(new Tile(j, i, new Hill()));
      } else {
        _tiles.add(new Tile(j, i, new Plains()));

  // detect and save neighbor tiles for every Tile
  for (Tile currentTile : _tiles) {
    for (Tile t : _tiles) {
      if (t != currentTile) {
        if (IsPointInRadius(currentTile.position, t.position, _tileSize)) {


这是一个地方的全部内容,因此您可以轻松地将其复制并粘贴到处理 IDE 中并使用它(另外,它包括我如何绘制我糟糕的网格):

// Debug
int unitTravelPoints = 30; // this is the number if "travel points" currently being tested, you can change it

// Golbals
float _tileSize = 60;
int _gridWidth = 10;
int _gridHeight = 20;

ArrayList<Tile> _tiles = new ArrayList<Tile>();
ArrayList<Tile> _canTravel = new ArrayList<Tile>();

void settings() {
  // this is how to make a window size's dynamic
  size((int)(((_gridWidth+1) * 1.5) * _tileSize), (int)(((_gridHeight+1) * 0.5) * _tileSize));

void setup() {
  // create the grid
  for (int i=0; i<_gridWidth; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j<_gridHeight; j++) {
      int rand = (int)random(100);
      if (rand < 20) {
        _tiles.add(new Tile(j, i, new Water()));
      } else if (rand < 50) {
        _tiles.add(new Tile(j, i, new Hill()));
      } else {
        _tiles.add(new Tile(j, i, new Plains()));

  // detect and save neighbor tiles for every Tile
  for (Tile currentTile : _tiles) {
    for (Tile t : _tiles) {
      if (t != currentTile) {
        if (IsPointInRadius(currentTile.position, t.position, _tileSize)) {

void draw() {

  // show the tiles
  for (Tile t : _tiles) {

  // show how far you can go
  for (Tile t : _canTravel) {
    fill(0, 0, 0, 0);
    if (t.selected) {
    } else {
      stroke(0, 255, 0);
    DrawPolygon(t.position.x, t.position.y, _tileSize/2, 6);

class Drawable {
  PVector position;
  boolean isVisible;

  public Drawable() {
    position = new PVector(0, 0);
    isVisible = true;

  public void Render() {
    // If you forget to overshadow the Render() method you'll see this error message in your console
    println("Error: A Drawable just defaulted to the catch-all Render(): '" + this.getClass() + "'.");

class Tile extends Drawable {
  int row, column;
  boolean selected = false;
  TileType type;

  ArrayList<Tile> neighbors = new ArrayList<Tile>();

  Tile(int row, int column, TileType type) {
    super(); // this calls the parent class' constructor

    this.row = row;
    this.column = column;
    this.type = type;

    // the hardcoded numbers are all cosmetics I included to make my grid looks less awful, nothing to see here
    position.x = (_tileSize * 1.5) * (column + 1);
    position.y = (_tileSize * 0.5) * (row + 1);
    // this part checks if this is an offset row to adjust the spatial coordinates
    if (row % 2 != 0) {
      position.x += _tileSize * 0.75;

      // this method looks recursive, but isn't. It doesn't call itself, but it calls it's twin from neighbors tiles
      void FillCanTravelArrayList(int travelPoints, boolean originalTile) {
        if (travelPoints >= type.travelCost) {
          // if the unit has enough travel points, we add the tile to the "the unit can get there" list
          if (!_canTravel.contains(this)) {
            // well, only if it's not already in the list
          // then we check if the unit can go further
          for (Tile t : neighbors) {
            if (originalTile) {
              t.FillCanTravelArrayList(travelPoints, false);
            } else {
              t.FillCanTravelArrayList(travelPoints - type.travelCost, false);

  void Render() {
    if (isVisible) {
      // the type knows which colors to use, so we're letting the type draw the tile

class TileType {
  // cosmetics
  color fill = color(255, 255, 255);
  color stroke = color(0);
  float strokeWeight = 2;
  // every tile has a "travelCost" variable, how much it cost to travel through it
  int travelCost = 10;

  // while I put this method here, it could have been contained in many other places
  // I just though that it made sense here
  void Render(Tile tile) {
    if (tile.selected) {
    } else {
    DrawPolygon(tile.position.x, tile.position.y, _tileSize/2, 6);
    textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
    text(tile.column + ", " + tile.row, tile.position.x, tile.position.y);

// each different tile type will adjust details like it's travel cost or fill color
class Plains extends TileType {
  Plains() {
    this.fill = color(0, 125, 0);
    this.travelCost = 10;

class Water extends TileType {
  // here I'm adding a random variable just to show that you can custom those types with whatever you need
  int numberOfFishes = 10;

  Water() {
    this.fill = color(0, 0, 125);
    this.travelCost = 1000;

class Hill extends TileType {
  Hill() {
    this.fill = color(125, 50, 50);
    this.travelCost = 15;

void mouseClicked() {
  // clearing the array which contains tiles where the unit can travel as we're changing those

  for (Tile t : _tiles) {
    // select the tile we're clicking on (and nothing else)
    t.selected = IsPointInRadius(t.position, new PVector(mouseX, mouseY), _tileSize/2);
    if (t.selected) {
      // if a tile is selected, check how far the imaginary unit can travel
      t.FillCanTravelArrayList(unitTravelPoints, true);

// checks if a point is inside a circle's radius
boolean IsPointInRadius(PVector center, PVector point, float radius) {
  // simple math, but with a twist: I'm not using the square root because it's costly
  // we don't need to know the distance between the center and the point, so there's nothing lost here
  return pow(center.x - point.x, 2) + pow(center.y - point.y, 2) <= pow(radius, 2);

// draw a polygon (I'm using it to draw hexagons, but any regular shape could be drawn)
void DrawPolygon(float x, float y, float radius, int npoints) {
  float angle = TWO_PI / npoints;
  for (float a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle) {
    float sx = x + cos(a) * radius;
    float sy = y + sin(a) * radius;
    vertex(sx, sy);

