首页 > 解决方案 > Clippy 冗余分配 lint



trait Trait {
    fn foo(&self) -> u64;

/// No Copy trait supported because it's expensive
struct Expensive {
    id: u64,

impl Trait for Expensive {
    fn foo(&self) -> u64 {


struct Cheap {
    pub item: Box<dyn Trait>,

thread_local! {
    static CHEAP: Cheap = Cheap {
        item: Box::new(Expensive {
            id: 4

fn trait_item() -> Box<dyn Trait> {
    CHEAP.with(|c| c.item)


error[E0507]: cannot move out of `c.item` which is behind a shared reference
  --> src/main.rs:35:20
35 |     CHEAP.with(|c| c.item)
   |                    ^^^^^^ move occurs because `c.item` has type `std::boxed::Box<dyn Trait>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait


fn trait_item<'a>() -> &'a Box<dyn Trait> {
    CHEAP.with(|c| &c.item)


error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for borrow expression due to conflicting requirements
  --> src/main.rs:33:20
33 |     CHEAP.with(|c| &c.item)
   |                    ^^^^^^^
note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the anonymous lifetime #2 defined on the body at 33:16...
  --> src/main.rs:33:16
33 |     CHEAP.with(|c| &c.item)
   |                ^^^^^^^^^^^
note: ...so that reference does not outlive borrowed content
  --> src/main.rs:33:20
33 |     CHEAP.with(|c| &c.item)
   |                    ^^^^^^^
note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the lifetime `'a` as defined on the function body at 32:15...
  --> src/main.rs:32:15
32 | fn trait_item<'a>() -> &'a Box<dyn Trait> {
   |               ^^
note: ...so that reference does not outlive borrowed content
  --> src/main.rs:33:5
33 |     CHEAP.with(|c| &c.item)
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


struct Cheap {
    pub item: Rc<Box<dyn Trait>>,

thread_local! {
    static CHEAP: Cheap = Cheap {
        item: Rc::new(Box::new(Expensive {
            id: 4

fn trait_item() -> Rc<Box<dyn Trait>> {
    CHEAP.with(|c| c.item.clone())


warning: usage of `Rc<Box<T>>`
  --> src/main.rs:41:15
41 |     pub item: Rc<Box<dyn Trait>>,
   |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `Box<dyn Trait>`
   = note: `#[warn(clippy::redundant_allocation)]` on by default
   = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#redundant_allocation

warning: usage of `Rc<Box<T>>`
  --> src/main.rs:53:20
53 | fn trait_item() -> Rc<Box<dyn Trait>> {
   |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `Box<dyn Trait>`
   = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#redundant_allocation

warning: 2 warnings emitted


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标签: ruststatic-analysisrust-clippy


您也可以将特征对象包装在 aRc中,因为Rc它也是一个指针。

因此,如果您有Rc<Box<T>>,则您有两个分配:一个用于 the T,一个用于 the Box(另一个指针,现在在堆上)。相反,使用Rc<dyn MyTrait>只有一个分配。
