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我正在做一个迭代器的练习,我有 2 类“菜单”和“菜”菜单。

Class Menu 代表餐厅的菜肴集合。该实现是在一个基本的 ArrayList of Dishes 上完成的。ArrayList 迭代器用于迭代。

我的疑问是我是否可以在同一个类中使用 for-each 和不同的迭代器以及如何使用。


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

public class Menu implements Iterable<Plat> {
    private List<Plat> plats=new ArrayList<Plat>();

    public Iterator<Plat> iterator() {
        return new IteratorVegetaria(plats);

    public Iterator<Plat> iteratorCarnivoro() {
        return new IteratorCarnivoro(plats);

    public void afegirPlat(Plat p){

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Menu m=new Menu();
        Iterator<Plat> c=m.iteratorCarnivoro();
        Iterator<Plat> v=m.iterator();

        m.afegirPlat(new Plat("soup",1.5,true,false,true));
        m.afegirPlat(new Plat("pizza",2.5,true,false,false));
        m.afegirPlat(new Plat("chicken",5.80,false,true,true));
        m.afegirPlat(new Plat("salad",2.5,true,false,true));

        System.out.println("Non-vegetarian menu");
        // Iteration without for-each
        while (c.hasNext()){


        // Iteration with for-each (doesn't work and only show vegetarian dishes)
        for(Plat p: m){

        System.out.println("Vegetarian menu:");

        // Iteration without for-each

        /* Iteration with for-each*/
        for(Plat p: m){


    public class IteratorVegetaria implements Iterator<Plat>{

        private List<Plat>plats;
        private int actual=0;
        public IteratorVegetaria(List<Plat>p){
            plats = p;

        // With this method we define that has next iterate as long as it finds an object that is vegetarian and adds it to the array.
        public boolean hasNext() {
            boolean hiHaNext = false;
            int i = actual;

            while (i<plats.size() && !hiHaNext){
                if (plats.get(i).isVegetaria()) hiHaNext = true;
                else i++;
            return hiHaNext;

        //With this method we define that next will iterate and jump to the next position when it finds a non-vegetarian dish
        public Plat next() {
            Plat p=plats.get(actual++);
            while (!p.isVegetaria()){

            return p;

    public class IteratorCarnivoro implements Iterator<Plat>{

        private List<Plat>plats;
        private int actual=0;
        public IteratorCarnivoro(List<Plat>p){
            plats = p;

        // With this method we define that has next iterate as long as it finds an object that is non-vegetarian and adds it to the array.
        public boolean hasNext() {
            boolean hiHaNext = false;
            int i = actual;

            while (i<plats.size() && !hiHaNext){
                if (!plats.get(i).isVegetaria()) hiHaNext = true;
                else i++;
            return hiHaNext;

        //With this method we define that next will iterate and jump to the next position when it finds a vegetarian dish
        public Plat next() {
            Plat p=plats.get(actual++);
            while (p.isVegetaria()){

            return p;



public class Plat {
    private String nom;
    private double preu;
    private boolean vegetaria;
    private boolean apteCeliacs;
    private boolean baixCalories;

    public Plat(String nom, double preu, boolean vegetaria, boolean apteCeliacs, boolean baixCalories) {
        this.nom = nom;
        this.preu = preu;
        this.vegetaria = vegetaria;
        this.apteCeliacs = apteCeliacs;
        this.baixCalories = baixCalories;

    public boolean isVegetaria() {
        return vegetaria;

    public String toString() {
        String missatge = "Plat{" +
                "nom='" + nom + '\'' +
                ", preu=" + preu +
                ", apteCeliacs=" + apteCeliacs +
                ", baixCalories=" + baixCalories +
                ", vegetaria=";

        if (isVegetaria()){
            return missatge+" es vegetaria";
            return missatge+" no es vegetaria";



Non-vegetarian menu

Plat{nom='chicken', preu=5.8, apteCeliacs=true, baixCalories=true, vegetaria= no es vegetaria

Plat{nom='soup', preu=1.5, apteCeliacs=false, baixCalories=true, vegetaria= es vegetaria
Plat{nom='pizza', preu=2.5, apteCeliacs=false, baixCalories=false, vegetaria= es vegetaria
Plat{nom='salad', preu=2.5, apteCeliacs=false, baixCalories=true, vegetaria= es vegetaria

Vegetarian menu:

Plat{nom='soup', preu=1.5, apteCeliacs=false, baixCalories=true, vegetaria= es vegetaria
Plat{nom='pizza', preu=2.5, apteCeliacs=false, baixCalories=false, vegetaria= es vegetaria
Plat{nom='salad', preu=2.5, apteCeliacs=false, baixCalories=true, vegetaria= es vegetaria

Plat{nom='soup', preu=1.5, apteCeliacs=false, baixCalories=true, vegetaria= es vegetaria
Plat{nom='pizza', preu=2.5, apteCeliacs=false, baixCalories=false, vegetaria= es vegetaria
Plat{nom='salad', preu=2.5, apteCeliacs=false, baixCalories=true, vegetaria= es vegetaria

标签: javaoopiterationiterable


如果这是学校的案例研究,它成功地说明了如何为实现 Iterable 的类创建多个迭代器是一个坏主意:) 我并不是说这是不可能的,只是说这是不可取的。



如果您尝试在使用除 Iterator/ListIterator 以外的任何东西循环遍历集合时删除元素,您将炸毁我们都非常喜欢的 ConcurrentModificationException

您应该利用 Java 8 中引入的 Streams(除非出于某种原因您使用的是旧版本)

List<Plate> menu = new ArrayList();
List<Plate> vegetarianChoices = menu.stream().filter(new Predicate<Plate>() {
                public boolean test(Plate plate) {
                    return plate.isVegitarian();

List<Plate> nonVegetarianChoices= menu.stream().filter(new Predicate<Plate>() {
                    public boolean test(Plate plate) {
                        return !plate.isVegitarian();
