首页 > 解决方案 > 关于用括号调用类的实例


我正在做关于制作模块的作业,在过去的 5 个小时里我一直在努力解决这个问题,我需要帮助来理解这一点。


#This class makes an element to put inside a piece of the block

class Element:
    def __init__(self, tipus, alcada):
        self.tipus = tipus
        self.alcada = alcada

#This class makes a block separated in "ncossos" number of pieces

class MobleModular:
    alt = 0
    ample = 0
    ncossos = 0

    def __init__(self, alt, ample, ncossos):
        global dict
        self.alt = alt
        self.ample = ample
        self.ncossos = ncossos

        #This is the only way i know of making a database for each piece of the block

        dict = {}
        for x in range(self.ncossos):
            dict[x] = []

        #This returns {0: [], 1: [], 2: [], 3: []} using number 4 in "ncossos" at __init__

然后我必须使用 Element() 创建用于存储在每个列表中的元素,所以我做了这个

    def afegir(self, nc, tipus, alcada):
        self.nc = nc #I access the dictionary with this number
        self.tipus = tipus
        self.alcada = alcada
        y = Element(tipus, alcada)

#Then i enter the following values

m.afegir(0, 'A', 90)
m.afegir(0, 'C', 20)
m.afegir(0, 'C', 20)
m.afegir(0, 'C', 30)
m.afegir(1, 'A', 90)
m.afegir(1, 'A', 30)
m.afegir(1, 'C', 20)
m.afegir(1, 'C', 30)
m.afegir(2, 'B', 30)
m.afegir(2, 'B', 30)
m.afegir(2, 'B', 30)
m.afegir(2, 'B', 40)
m.afegir(2, 'C', 30)
m.afegir(3, 'B', 60)
m.afegir(3, 'A', 70)
m.afegir(3, 'C', 30)



x = m[1, 3]

#The first number being the dictionary position and the second number being the nested list position,
#so it returns the THIRD element from the FIRST piece of the block

#And when i call:

x.tipus, x.alcada

#It has to return:

('C', 20)


标签: pythonclassmoduleinstancebrackets


您应该简化逻辑以使编码更容易。创建“数据库”时,只需将数据存储为元组。检索特定索引时,创建一个新的 Element 对象并返回它。


class Element:
    def __init__(self, tipus, alcada):
        self.tipus = tipus
        self.alcada = alcada

class MobleModular:
    def __init__(self):
        self.lst = []  # list of tuples

    def afegir(self, nc, tipus, alcada):
        self.lst.append((nc, tipus, alcada))  # add tuple
    def __getitem__(self, idx):  # for brackets
        lst = [x for x in self.lst if x[0] == idx[0]]  # find tuples by first index
        e = lst[idx[1]-1]  # get specific tuple
        return Element(e[1],e[2])  # return new element object


m.afegir(0, 'A', 90)
m.afegir(0, 'C', 20)
m.afegir(0, 'C', 20)
m.afegir(0, 'C', 30)
m.afegir(1, 'A', 90)
m.afegir(1, 'A', 30)
m.afegir(1, 'C', 20)
m.afegir(1, 'C', 30)
m.afegir(2, 'B', 30)
m.afegir(2, 'B', 30)
m.afegir(2, 'B', 30)
m.afegir(2, 'B', 40)
m.afegir(2, 'C', 30)
m.afegir(3, 'B', 60)
m.afegir(3, 'A', 70)
m.afegir(3, 'C', 30)

x = m[1, 3]
print((x.tipus, x.alcada))  # ('C', 20)
