首页 > 解决方案 > System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:索引超出范围。游戏制造者 2


当我编译到 HTML 目标时,我得到了错误,但当我使用 OSX 目标时没有。

我在其他 4 个对象上有同样的错误。Gamemaker 的新手,因此在查看位置时遇到问题。如果我在另一个平台上,我将能够理解我在哪里搞砸了。

/// @desc add the gun to be part of the player
x = oPlayer.x;
y = oPlayer.y + 10 ;

image_angle = point_direction(x,y,mouse_x,mouse_y);  //gun points toward mouse

firingdelay = firingdelay -1; // we we can only shoot every x frames see delay = 5 below
recoil = max(0,recoil -1); // max retrund the biggets of the values given  stops us getting a minus number i.e nolower than 0.

if (mouse_check_button(mb_left)) &&  (firingdelay < 0)
    recoil = 4;
    firingdelay = 5;
    ScreenShake(2,10); // add some shake to screen when we fire
    with (instance_create_layer(x,y,"Bullets",oBullet))
        speed = 25; // fixed speed for the object
        direction = other.image_angle + random_range(-3,3); //other.  is the orginal object outside this created bullet so the gun  the random raange  offfset the direction a little to get a spread
        image_angle = direction;
x = x - lengthdir_x(recoil,image_angle);
y = y - lengthdir_y(recoil,image_angle);

if  (image_angle > 90) &&  (image_angle < 270) //90 is right , 270 is down  this is saying are we left
    image_yscale = -1;  
    image_yscale = 1;   


正在编译 - gml_Object_oGun_Create_0 正在编译 - gml_Object_oGun_Step_1 错误:gml_Object_oGun_Step_1(0):编译 gml_Object_oGun_Step_1 时出现致命错误 - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException 下面的详细信息:索引超出范围。必须是非负数且小于集合的大小。参数名称: System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRange_IndexException () [0x0000c] in :0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].get_Item (System.Int32 index) [0x00009] in :0 at .. (GMAssetCompiler .GMLToken , System.IO.TextWriter , System.Boolean ) [0x00886] in <07e707e963e944de851ed00054ecf0f5>:0 at .. (GMAssetCompiler.GMLToken , System.IO.TextWriter ) [0x00287] in <07e707e963e944de8551ed00.54ecAsf .GMLToken , System.IO.TextWriter ) [0x0005a] in <07e707e963e944de851ed00054ecf0f5>:0 at ..

标签: game-maker-studio-2

