首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 dwt 和 dct 分解和重构图像


我的想法是先使用分解图像dwt2,然后应用dct2到 coefficients_approximation,对结果应用水印,然后重新组合图像。

final_image = idwt2( idct2 ( dct2 ( dwt2 (starting_image))))


clear all; clc;

%   read lena img
lena = double(imread('lena.jpg'));

%   read watermark img
%w = imread('mark.png');
load cookiebears.mat

%   compure DWT on lena and watermark
[approximate_lena, horizontal_lena, vertical_lena, diagonal_lena] = dwt2(lena, 'haar');

%   i have to save the image first and then open it in order to use it in
%   dct2() omitting this step generate an error
imwrite(uint8(approximate_lena), 'ca_lena.jpg');

%   read approximate_lena layer in a variable
lena_ca = double(imread('ca_lena.jpg'));

%   perform DCT on approximation level of lena picture
dct_lena = dct2(lena_ca);

%   embed the watermark into dct_lena
%   insert here function to embed the watermark
%   dct_lena = insert_watermark();

%   now I can recompose the lena coefficients approximation 
lena_ca_recomposed = idct2(dct_lena);

%   recompose DWT
lena_recomposed = idwt2(lena_ca_recomposed, horizontal_lena,vertical_lena, diagonal_lena, 'haar');

正如您在下面看到的:在第一行中,左侧是起始图片,右侧是最终图片(更暗,细节更少)。在左侧的第二行中,我们比较dwt2了原始图像上的 CA 和右侧重组后的 CAidct2 图片

标签: matlabimage-processingdctdwt



imwrite(uint8(approximate_lena), 'ca_lena.jpg');

lena_ca = double(imread('ca_lena.jpg'));

