首页 > 解决方案 > 尝试根据模板类型在模板类中重载虚函数



我对 C++ 中的模板有些陌生。以下是我的代码中当前存在的一些类:

class location2d
    int x, y;

class location3d
    int x, y, z;

template <typename T>
class myClass : public parentClass<float, T>

    virtual void myFunction (T position) const override final
        // some math stuff (this part doesn't matter)
        something = position.x + position.y;

    int something;

现在这被硬编码到 location2d。如果传入 location3d,我需要 myFunction() 具有不同的行为。例如:

virtual void myFunction (T position) const override final
    something = position.x + position.y + position.z;

我已经阅读了模板专业化,但这变得很棘手,因为 myFunction() 正在覆盖基类中的虚函数。我的理解是我们不能专门化一个虚函数。反正我试过了。它讨厌它。


virtual void myFunction (T position) const override final
    if (std::is_same<T, location3d) {myFunction3(position);}
    else {myFunction2(position);}

void myFunction2 (T position) const
    something = position.x + position.y;

void myFunction3 (T position) const
    something = position.x + position.y + position.z;

这里的问题是编译器抛出“location2d 不包含成员'z'”,这是绝对正确的。但是,除非 z 存在,否则不会调用 myFunction3()。

接下来,我尝试专门进行强制转换,以便 T 不再模棱两可:

virtual void myFunction (T position) const override final
    if (std::is_same<T, location3d>::value) {myFunction3((location3d)position);}
    else {myFunction2((location2d)position);}

“'type cast':无法从 'T' 转换为 'location3'”。


virtual void myFunction (T position) const override final
    if (std::is_same<T, location3d>::value) {mySecondFunction<location3d>(position);}
    else {mySecondFunction<location2d>(position);}

void mySecondFunction<location2d> (location2d position) const {}

void mySecondFunction<location3d> (location3d position) const {}


归根结底,我想要的只是让 myFunction() 的行为根据“z”是否存在而改变,而且我不喜欢它是如何完成的。我觉得我必须在这里遗漏一些简单的东西。

标签: c++templatestemplate-specializationvirtual-functions


Your idea to do type checking is valid, but your approaches need a little more work to help the compiler.

If you are using C++17 or later, use if constexpr with std::is_same_v, eg:

template <typename T>
class myClass : public parentClass<float, T>
    virtual void myFunction (T position) const override final
        if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, location3d>) {
            something = position.x + position.y + position.z;
        else {
            something = position.x + position.y;

    int something;

The compiler will evaluate the if constexpr completely at compile-time and eliminate the unused branch in the final runtime code, thus producing different code for each instantiation of myClass<T>, eg:

class myClass<location2d> : public parentClass<float, location2d>
    virtual void myFunction (location2d position) const override final
        something = position.x + position.y;

    int something;

class myClass<location3d> : public parentClass<float, location3d>
    virtual void myFunction (location3d position) const override final
        something = position.x + position.y + position.z;

    int something;

If using C++17 or later is not an option for you, then you can use reinterpret_cast instead, eg:

template <typename T>
class myClass : public parentClass<float, T>
    virtual void myFunction (T position) const override final
        if (std::is_same<T, location3d>::value) {
            // if T is NOT location3d then accessing position.z as-is
            // will fail to compile if T::z is missing, hence the cast.
            // Since this branch is executed only when T is location3d,
            // the cast in this branch is redundant but harmless. But
            // this branch is still compiled even when T is NOT loction3d...
            something = position.x + position.y + reinterpret_cast<location3d&>(position).z;
        else {
            // no cast is needed here since location2d and location3d
            // both have x and y fields...
            something = position.x + position.y;

    int something;

Without the cast, the compiler would produce code like the following for each instantiation of myClass<T>:

class myClass<location2d> : public parentClass<float, location2d>
    virtual void myFunction (location2d position) const override final
        if (false) {
            something = position.x + position.y + position.z; // ERROR! location2d::z does not exist...
        else {
            something = position.x + position.y; // OK

    int something;

class myClass<location3d> : public parentClass<float, location3d>
    virtual void myFunction (location3d position) const override final
        if (true) {
            something = position.x + position.y + position.z; // OK
        else {
            something = position.x + position.y; // OK

    int something;

The same issue happens when passing position to non-template member methods instead, eg:

template <typename T>
class myClass : public parentClass<float, T>
    virtual void myFunction (T position) const override final
        if (std::is_same<T, location3d) {
            // if T is NOT location3d, passing position as-is to myFunction3()
            // would fail to compile, hence the cast. Since this branch is
            // executed only when T is location3d, the cast in this branch
            // is redundant but harmless. But this branch is still compiled
            // even when T is NOT loction3d...
        else {
            // if T is NOT location2d, passing position as-is to myFunction2()
            // would fail to compile, hence the cast. Since this branch is
            // executed only when T is location2d, the cast in this branch
            // is redundant but harmless. But this branch is still compiled
            // even when T is NOT location2d...

    void myFunction2 (location2d position)
        something = position.x + position.y;

    void myFunction3 (location3d position)
        something = position.x + position.y + position.z;

    int something;

Without the casts, the compiler would produce code like the following for each instantiation of myClass<T>:

class myClass<location2d> : public parentClass<float, location2d>
    virtual void myFunction (location2d position) const override final
        if (false) {
            myFunction3(position); // ERROR! can't convert from location2d to location3d
        else {
            myFunction2(position); // OK

    void myFunction2 (location2d position)
        something = position.x + position.y;

    void myFunction3 (location3d position)
        something = position.x + position.y + position.z;

    int something;

class myClass<location3d> : public parentClass<float, location3d>
    virtual void myFunction (location3d position) const override final
        if (true) {
            myFunction3(position); // OK
        else {
            myFunction2(position); // ERROR! can't convert from location3d to location2d

    void myFunction2 (location2d position)
        something = position.x + position.y;

    void myFunction3 (location3d position)
        something = position.x + position.y + position.z;

    int something;

That being said, another option would be to use template specialization, then no funky casts are needed at all, eg:

template<typename T>
int add_them_up(T) { return 0; }

int add_them_up<location2d>(location2d position)
    return position.x + position.y;

int add_them_up<location3d>(location3d position)
    return position.x + position.y + position.z;

template <typename T>
class myClass : public parentClass<float, T>
    virtual void myFunction (T position) const override final
        something = add_them_up<T>(position);

    int something;

The compiler would produce code like the following for each instantiation of myClass<T>:

int add_them_up<location2d>(location2d position)
    return position.x + position.y;

int add_them_up<location3d>(location3d position)
    return position.x + position.y + position.z;

class myClass<location2d> : public parentClass<float, location2d>
    virtual void myFunction (location2d position) const override final
        something = add_them_up<location2d>(position);

    int something;

class myClass<location3d> : public parentClass<float, location3d>
    virtual void myFunction (location3d position) const override final
        something = add_them_up<location3d>(position);

    int something;

Which, after the compiler inlines the specialized functions at the call sites, would look very familiar 1

1: <cough> the C++17 if constexpr output !

class myClass<location2d> : public parentClass<float, location2d>
    virtual void myFunction (location2d position) const override final
        something = position.x + position.y;

    int something;

class myClass<location3d> : public parentClass<float, location3d>
    virtual void myFunction (location3d position) const override final
        something = position.x + position.y + position.z;

    int something;
