首页 > 解决方案 > How can updating children components in table using livewire?


I have problem with nesting component when changing the children parent is refresh and its ok, but when I add same product in CartItem by using barcode the quantity dose not change in child component this my parent Component including a table parent.blade.php >>>

<table class="table mb-0">
            <th scope="col">product</th>
        @foreach ($cartItems as $item)
                    <livewire:child :item="$item" wire:key="$item['id']"/>

and this id parent.php

class Parent extends Component
    public $service = null;
    public $cartItems = [];
    protected $listeners = ['cartUpdated' => 'onCartUpdate'];

    public function mount()
        $this->cartItems = \Cart::session(auth()->id())->getContent()->toArray();

    public function onCartUpdate()

    public function render()
        return view('livewire.parent');

the child component in <td> just have an input with livewire:model

    <input type="number" wire:model="quantity" wire:change="updateCart"><span class="col-9"></span>

My Child.php

class Child extends Component
    public $item;
    public $quantity;

    public function mount($item)
        $this->item = $item;
        $this->quantity = $item['quantity'];

    public function updateCart()
        \Cart::session(auth()->id())->update($this->item['id'], [
            'quantity' => array(
                'relative' => false,
                'value' => $this->quantity,


    public function render()
        return view('livewire.child');

I think this return to mount() method in child. can I updating quantity every time?

标签: laravellaravel-livewire


You're not utilizing data-bindings properly. You don't need to add wire:change, since you already have wire:model -- you can simply listen for changes to that property.

Even better, just use one property $item and access the quantity from that.

    <input type="number" wire:model="item.quantity" /> <span class="col-9"></span>

Then use the "magic" method updatedItemQuantity() to listen for updates to the quantity attribute on the $item property.

class Child extends Component
    public $item;

    protected $rules = [
        'item.quantity' => 'required|numeric|min:0',

    public function mount($item)
        $this->item = $item;

    public function updatedItemQuantity($quantity)
        \Cart::session(auth()->id())->update($this->item['id'], [
            'quantity' => array(
                'relative' => false,
                'value' => $quantity,


    public function render()
        return view('livewire.child');

Now in your parent, you can simply use the "magic" event $refresh,

class Parent extends Component
    public $service = null;
    public $cartItems = [];

    protected $listeners = ['cartUpdated' => '$refresh'];

    public function mount()
        $this->cartItems = \Cart::session(auth()->id())->getContent()->toArray();

    public function render()
        return view('livewire.parent');
