首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用反应日期选择器正确使用或不使用钩子功能


我正在使用 React 前端进行编码,在寻找一种在日历上选择日期的方法时,我遇到了一个很酷的 react 模块,名为"react-datepicker". 这几乎可以满足我的所有需求。我正在尝试使用<DatePicker />指南网站上看到的组件:https ://reactdatepicker.com/


现在这是我的问题。我希望能够使用onChange我已经编写的功能(如果可能的话)来改变当前网页上的内容。似乎在函数调用之外的函数中存在钩子调用的问题,因为当我尝试在函数内部调用钩子时render()出现错误:。是否有解决方法来更改 DataPicker 文本输入的文本输入值?这是我现在最好的尝试:Uncaught Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component...onChange

import React, { Component, useState } from "react"; 
import DatePicker from 'react-datepicker';
export class AddEvent extends Component {
    onChange = (handleChange) => (e, e2) => {
        if (e2 == null && e != null) {
            this.setState({ [e.target.name]: e.target.value });
        } else if (e2 === null && e === null) {
            //The value I really want to show up in the text box is the one set here
            //It can be accessed for this example as this.state.days[0]
            this.setState({ ...this.state, "days": [null]});
        } else {
            if ... {
            } else{
                //The value I really want to show up in the text box is the one set here
                //It can be accessed for this example as this.state.days[0]
                this.setState({ ...this.state, "days": [e] });

    render() {
        //The value I really want to show up in the text box is the one in this.state.days[0]
        const minDate = new Date();
        const [aDate, setDate] = useState(minDate);
        const handleChange = date => setDate(date);

            <div className="mt-4 mb-4">
                <form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>
                        <label>Choose the Day(s) the Event could/will occur on:</label>
                        <DatePicker name="day1" onChange={this.onChange(handleChange)} minDate = {minDate} dateFormat="mm/dd/yyyy" />

标签: javascriptreactjsdatepickerreact-datepicker


钩子是仅限于功能组件的包容性功能。您可以“升级”您的组件以使其正常运行,或者只保留所有关于女巫更改组件的日期应该在 this.state 中重新呈现并使用 this.setState 来更改它。


import React, { Component, useState } from "react"; 

import DatePicker from 'react-datepicker';

export class AddEvent extends Component {
    state = {
      ///you stafff
      miDate : new Date(),

    onChange = (e, e2) => {
       this.state(state => ({...state, miDate: e.target.value}));

        if (e2 == null && e != null) {
            this.setState({ [e.target.name]: e.target.value });
        } else if (e2 === null && e === null) {
            //The value I really want to show up in the text box is the one set here
            //It can be accessed for this example as this.state.days[0]
            this.setState({ ...this.state, "days": [null]});

        } else {

              this.setState({ ...this.state, "days": [e] });

    render() {
        //!!! you can not use hooks in functional component !!!!!
        // const minDate = new Date();
        // const [aDate, setDate] = useState(minDate);
        // const handleChange = date => setDate(date);

            <div className="mt-4 mb-4">
                <form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>
                        <label>Choose the Day(s) the Event could/will occur on:</label>
                        <DatePicker name="day1" onChange={this.onChange.bind(this)} minDate = {this.state.minDate} dateFormat="mm/dd/yyyy" />
