首页 > 解决方案 > 如何从我的 html 表单获取 post id 到 views.py


我正在使用 Django、jQuery 和 Ajax。但是,我对如何在 ajax 数据中获取帖子 ID 以在 views.py 中使用它感到困惑。我在这里添加代码,并且必须阅读代码中的注释,这样您才能更好地理解我实际试图解释的内容或我面临的问题。如果这个问题比回答其他问题需要你多一点时间,如果你知道解决方案,请不要跳过这个问题。我能为你做的就是我可以投票给你 10 到 15 个答案,这样你的声誉就会提高。

我是 JQuery 的初学者,所以请简要解释一下您的答案。

所以,在下面我有 div 标签,它将为我提供帖子 ID。如果用户点击回复按钮。

<div id='post_id' post="{{post.id}}">    
            {% if node.level < 3 %} 
            <button class='btn btn-success' onclick="myFunction({{node.id}})">Reply</button>
            {% endif %}


<form id='commentform' class='commentform' method='POST'>
{% csrf_token %}
{% with allcomments as total_comments %}
<p>{{ total_comments }} comment{{total_comments|pluralize}}</p>
{% endwith %}

<select name='post' class='d-none' id='id_post'>
  <option value="{{ post.id }}" selected="{{ post.id }}"></option>

<label class='small font-weight-bold'>{{comment_form.parent.label}}</label>
<div class='d-flex'>
<img class='avatar_comment align-self-center' src="{% for data in avatar %}{{data.avatar.url}}{%endfor%}">
{{comment_form.body }}
<div class='d-flex flex-row-reverse'>
<button type='submit' class='newcomment btn btn-primary' value='commentform' id='newcomment'>Submit</button>


 $(document).on('click', '#newcomment, #newcommentinner', function (e) {

    var button = $(this).attr("value");
    var post_id = document.getElementById('post_id').getAttribute('post'); #Here I am trying to take post id from div tag with id='post_id'.
    console.log(post_id,'postid') #In console it is returning me 2 which is right post id.
    var placement = "commentform"
    if (button == "newcommentform") {
      var placement = "newcommentform"
      type: 'POST',
      url: '{% url "posts:addcomment" pk=post.pk slug=post.slug %}',
      data: $("#" + button).serialize() + {'post_id' : post_id},#Here I am trying to take that post id in data so i can use that in views.py. But in views.py it is returning me none And I don't understand why ? Because this is a post_id variable which is returning me 2 in console but in terminal it is returning me none. Please tell me how can i fix it. 
      cache: false,
      success: function (json) {

        $('<div id="" class="my-2 p-2" style="border: 1px solid grey"> \
          <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">By ' + json['user'] + '<div></div>Posted: Just now!</div> \
          <div>' + json['result2'] + '</div> \
          <hr> \
          </div>').insertBefore('#' + placement);

      error: function (xhr, errmsg, err) {

If more information is require than tell me. I will update my question with that information.

in console: 在此处输入图像描述

in terminal: 在此处输入图像描述

标签: htmljquerydjangoajaxdjango-templates



数据:$("#" + button).serialize() +"&post_id="+post_id
