首页 > 解决方案 > 代码卡在循环中(但循环本身不会继续进行)。C++ 字符串


我目前正在使用 Schaum 的大纲书(主要涵盖 C 内容,或者有人告诉我,但无论如何)自学 C++,并且在问题 9.8 上遇到了一些麻烦。您应该计算给定 c++ 字符串中每个不同单词的出现次数,为此我假设每个单词与下一个单词之间用空格、换行符、点或逗号分隔(在最后两种情况下)由另一个空白区域)。我的代码如下:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()
{ string s;
  cout << "Enter text (enter \"$\" to stop input):\n";
  string s2 = s, word;
  int ini = 0, last, count_word = 0;
  int count_1 = 0, count_2 = 0, count_3 = 0;
  cout << "\nThe words found in the text, with its frequencies, are the following:\n";
  for (ini; ini < s.length(); )
  {   // we look for the next word in the string (at the end of each iteration 
     // ini is incremented in a quantity previous_word.length()
    last = ini;
    cout << "1: " << ++count_1 << endl;
    { if (s[last] == ' ') break;
      if (s[last] == '\n') break;
      if (s[last] == ',') break;
      if (s[last] == '.') break;
      if (last > s.length()-1 ) break;
     cout << "2: " << ++count_2 << endl;
    --last; // last gives the position within s of the last letter of the current word
    // now me create the word itself
    word = s.substr(ini,last-ini+1); //because last-ini is word.length()-1
    int found = s2.find(word);
    while( found != s2.length() ) // the loop goes at least once
      s2.erase(0,found+word.length()); // we erase the part of s2 where we have already looked
      found = s2.find(word);
      cout << "3: " << ++count_3 << endl;
    cout << "\t["<<word<<"]: " << count_word;
    s2 = s;
    s2.erase(0,ini + word.length()); // we do this so that in the next iteration we don't look for
                                     // the new word where we know it won't be.
    if (s[last] == ' ' || s[last] == '\n') ini = last + 1;
    if (s[last] == ',' || s[last] == '.') ini = last + 2;
    count_word = 0;

当我运行程序时,屏幕上什么也没有显示,所以我发现其中一个循环一定是卡住了(这就是我定义变量 count_1,2 和 3 的原因,以了解是否如此)。但是,在正确计算了要找到的第一个单词的迭代次数后,没有其他任何内容被打印出来,我看到的只是命令提示符(我的意思是小白条),我什至无法使用 ctrl z 停止程序。

标签: c++cstringloopsoutput


对于一个非常简单的问题,这是一种非常复杂的方法。您可以只使用 astringstream来提取由空格分隔的每个单词。然后,您只需提取提取的单词并使用std::map<std::string, int>.


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

int main() {
    std::map<std::string, int> word_to_count;
    std::string in;
    std::getline(std::cin, in);
    std::stringstream s(in);
    std::string temp_word;
    while (s >> temp_word) {
    for (const auto& x : word_to_count) {
        std::cout << x.first << ": " << x.second << std::endl;
    return 0;


hello world hello world test 


hello: 2
test: 1
world: 2

