首页 > 解决方案 > 需要一个 SQL 查询,该查询将与另一个表连接,该表又将根据时间返回最新值,分组为一行


我需要有关 SELECT SQL 查询的帮助,该查询将与 id 列上的另一个表连接,这又将根据时间返回最新值,分组为一行?

基本上,以这样一种方式连接两个表,即对于存在于 time_series 表中的 users 表中的每条记录,返回基于时间分组到单行中的最新值。


id  |  name
 1  | "Joe" 
 2  | "Ron" 


time| id  |  a  |  b  | c  | d
 1  |  1  |  a1 |     |    |
 2  |  1  |     |  b1 |    |
 3  |  1  |     |     | c0 |
 4  |  1  |  a3 |     | c3 |
 5  |  1  |  a0 |     |    |
 6  |  2  |  a3 |     | c3 | d1
 7  |  2  |  a2 |     |    | d3


id  |  a  |  b  | c  | d  | name
 1  |  a0 |  b1 | c3 |    | "Joe"
 2  |  a2 |     |    | d3 | "Ron"

标签: sqlinner-joingreatest-n-per-groupprestoamazon-athena



select u.*,
    (select ts.a from time_series ts where ts.id = u.id and ts.a is not null order by ts.time desc limit 1) a,
    (select ts.b from time_series ts where ts.id = u.id and ts.b is not null order by ts.time desc limit 1) b,
    (select ts.c from time_series ts where ts.id = u.id and ts.c is not null order by ts.time desc limit 1) c,
    (select ts.d from time_series ts where ts.id = u.id and ts.d is not null order by ts.time desc limit 1) d
from users u


select u.id,
    max(case when ts.rn_a = 1 then ts.a end) a,
    max(case when ts.rn_b = 1 then ts.b end) a,
    max(case when ts.rn_c = 1 then ts.c end) a,
    max(case when ts.rn_d = 1 then ts.d end) d
from users u
inner join (
    select ts.*,
        row_number() over(order by (case when a is null then 1 else 0 end), time desc) rn_a,
        row_number() over(order by (case when b is null then 1 else 0 end), time desc) rn_b,
        row_number() over(order by (case when c is null then 1 else 0 end), time desc) rn_c,
        row_number() over(order by (case when d is null then 1 else 0 end), time desc) rn_d
    from time_series ts
) ts on ts.id = u.id
group by u.id
