首页 > 解决方案 > Aqueduct failed to execute db migration file


I'm trying to learn Dart and Aqueduct. I'm following the Aqueduct tutorial. Up to now everything worked ok. But when connecting to the database I get an error.

I'm using:

Windows 10
PostreSQL 13
Dart 2.10.0
Aqueduct 4.0.0-b1

I get the following error:

*** There was an error connecting to the database 'heroes_user:password@localhost:5432/heroes'. Reason: unable to connect to database.

Command prompt with error

Command prompt with error

I can connect to the database using psql or DBeaver, so username (heroes_user), password (password) and database (heroes) are correct.

I started with Aqueduct 3, but after I search for the error I noticed other people had similar problems and the suggestion was to upgrade to Aqueduct 4. So I executed pug get + updated pubspec.yaml + pub global activate aqueduct 4.0.0-B1. This did not result in any progress.

Other suggestions I found were to change the password authentication method. I modified pg_hba.conf to include the line:

host    all             all               md5 

But this did not have any success either.

I'm not sure in which direction to search anymore. I've noticed similar questions, but without actual answers. Any suggestions?

标签: postgresqlaqueduct


解决了。问题似乎出在 PostgreSQL 13 上。我安装了 PostgreSQL 12.4 并运行命令来创建数据库迁移文件。然后运行数据库更新命令,它立即工作。
