首页 > 解决方案 > 不同的参数,但函数的行为是相同的


我想证明 lemma RnP_eq

From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.

Definition func {n m l o:nat}
     (I:t R 0 -> t R m -> t R l)(J:t R n -> t R l -> t R o):=
 (fun (x:t R n)(a:t R m) => J (snd (splitat 0 x)) (I (fst (splitat 0 x)) a)).

Lemma deriveP_eq (n m l o:nat)(v:t R (S n))
                 (I:t R 0 -> t R m -> t R l)(J:t R (S n) -> t R l -> t R o)
                 (a:t R m)(b:t R o):
 forall m:nat, deriveP m (func I J) v a b = deriveP m J v (I Vnil a) b.
by [].

Lemma RnP_eq (n m l o P:nat)
          (I:t R 0 -> t R m -> t R l)(J:t R (S n) -> t R l -> t R o)
          (p:t R (S n))(a:t R m)(b:t R o):
           updateRnP n (func I J) p a b = updateRnP n J p (I Vnil a) b.
dependent induction p => //.
destruct n => //.
rewrite /=.
rewrite (deriveP_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ (J)).

deriveP_eq成立并且updateRnP只是 的递归deriveP。所以我认为RnP_eq必须成立。但是,我不知道如何证明。

我需要在 n 或 p 中进行归纳,但这会改变函数的类型,J我不能将归纳假设应用于目标。

RnP_eq用 Coq证明是不可能的吗?

Require Import Psatz.

Theorem arith_basic : forall (k P:nat), lt k P -> P = Nat.add k (S (P - (k + 1))).
  intros. lia.

Definition kLess : forall (k P:nat), (P - k) < (S P).
intros. lia.

Definition kLess2 : forall (k P:nat), (P - k) <= (S P).
intros. lia.

Definition k1Less : forall (k P:nat), ((S P)-((P-k)+1)) < (S P).
intros. lia.

From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect.
Require Import Coq.Reals.Reals.
Require Import Coq.Vectors.Vector.
Require Import CoLoR.Util.Vector.VecUtil.
Require Import Coquelicot.Coquelicot.
Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
Import VectorNotations.
Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Open Scope vector_scope.

Infix ":::" := (Vcons)(at level 60, right associativity).

Fixpoint lastk k n : t R n -> (lt k n) -> t R k :=
  match n with
    |0%nat => fun _ (H : lt k 0) => False_rect _ (@Lt.lt_n_O k H)
    |S n => match k with
              |S m => fun v H => shiftin (last v) (lastk m n (shiftout v) (@le_S_n _ _ H))
              |0%nat => fun _ H => Vnil

Definition EucSum {A}(e:t R A) :R:= Vector.fold_right Rplus e 0.
Definition QE (r1 r2:R):R:= (r1 - r2)^2.
Definition QuadraticError {n : nat} (v1 v2: t R n) :t R n:= Vector.map2 QE v1 v2.

Definition deriveP {P A B}(k:nat)(I:t R (S P) -> t R A -> t R B)(p :t R (S P))(input:t R A)(train:t R B):R:=
let lk := lastk ((S P)-((P-k)+1)) (S P) p (k1Less k P) in
let fk := take (P-k) (kLess2 k P) p in
let pk := nth_order p (kLess k P) in
(nth_order p (kLess k P)) - 0.01*( Derive (fun PK => EucSum (QuadraticError 
   (I (Vcast (append fk (PK ::: lk)) (symmetry (arith_basic (P-k) (S P) (kLess k P)))) input) train)) pk ).

Fixpoint updateRnP {P A B} (k:nat)(I:t R (S P) -> t R A -> t R B)
                           (p :t R (S P))(input:t R A)(train:t R B):t R (S k):=
 match k in nat return t R (S k) with
   |S k' => (deriveP k I p input train) ::: updateRnP k' I p input train
   |0%nat => (deriveP k I p input train) ::: Vnil

标签: coq




