首页 > 解决方案 > 当我在谷歌播放控制台上发布我的应用程序包时出错


几天前我在 Google Play 控制台上发布了一个应用程序包,发现位置权限有一个错误,所以我填写了一个表格来解释为什么我们不在我的应用程序上使用位置。


Option 1: File an exception and roll out a submission (without making changes)

During the extended timeline for compliance, you will be allowed to roll out your latest submission without making any changes by requesting a Location exception. Here’s how:
1.  Sign in to your Play Console
2.  Select your app.
3.  Navigate to the Permissions Declaration Form.  
4.  To file an exception in the form, go to the question “Does your app meet the Location permissions policy?” and select “No, this app does not meet the Location permissions policy.”
Selecting this option will allow you to access location in the background in your latest submission, in any updates to your app, or when submitting a new app, until the dates mentioned above. For more information, please visit our Help Center.
5.  Submit your app.
Option 2: Submit a compliant update

Once you’re ready to submit a compliant version of your app:
1.  Make the necessary updates to address the issue(s) identified above.
If your app is not eligible to access location in the background or does not meet requirements for accessing location in the background, please remove the permission from your manifest and in-app functionality.
2.  Double check that your app is compliant with all other Developer Program Policies. 
3.  Sign in to your Play Console and submit the update to your app.

问题是:我对 Google Play 控制台一无所知,标签太多,一切都很难理解。

我应该怎么做Option 1Permissions Declaration Form无处可去。问题“您的应用程序是否符合位置权限政策?” 无处可去!

所以我在我的应用程序中更新了一些东西,在我的 app.json 中更改为versionCode2创建应用程序包,然后:




我有 2 个版本!我怎样才能删除一个?

我也试图删除我的应用程序,但对此一无所知。我是否必须创建一个同名但新的 app-bundle 的新应用程序?

标签: androidgoogle-playexpogoogle-play-console



<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION"/>


  1. 选择应用
  2. 选择应用内容
  3. 选择敏感的应用权限
  4. 选择管理
  5. 选择否,此应用不符合位置权限政策
