首页 > 解决方案 > 在 nginx unbutu 20.04 上安装 Pg Admin 4


我无法找到有关如何在 ubuntu 20.04 上安装和配置 pgadmin4 以与 nginx 一起使用的任何文档,我只设法找到了 apache 的教程。

我对 nginx 很陌生,你们能帮忙提供一些文档或教程的链接吗?

标签: postgresqlnginxpgadminpgadmin-4ubuntu-20.04


It sounds a bit like you are attempting to connect to your database on a production server, from within that server... With PgAdmin this is not needed. You can simply install locally on your system like this:


And then just remote into the server like so:


I would argue that it is also a smarter approach to house the pgadmin connection locally as you do not need a visual approach to your databases in the production instance in most cases.
