首页 > 解决方案 > How to make the latest article always go to the top in noticeboard


I made a Answered bulletin board like this

id  parent_id   name    depth_fullname

1   0   1depth 1    1depth 1
14  1   2depth 1-2  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-4 *Latest
4   1   2depth 1-1  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-1
10  4   3depth 1-1  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-1 > 3depth 1-1
11  4   3depth 1-2  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-1 > 3depth 1-2
12  4   3depth 1-3  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-1 > 3depth 1-3
5   1   2depth 1-2  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-2
6   1   2depth 1-3  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-3
2   0   1depth 2    1depth 2
7   2   2depth 2-1  1depth 2 > 2depth 2-1
8   2   2depth 2-2  1depth 2 > 2depth 2-2
9   2   2depth 2-3  1depth 2 > 2depth 2-3
3   0   1depth 3    1depth 3
13  3   2depth 1-1  1depth 3 > 2depth 1-1 

And when data is inserted, it is placed under the parent.

Like This

id  parent_id   name    depth_fullname

1   0   1depth 1    1depth 1
14  1   2depth 1-2  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-4
4   1   2depth 1-1  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-1
10  4   3depth 1-1  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-1 > 3depth 1-1
11  4   3depth 1-2  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-1 > 3depth 1-2
12  4   3depth 1-3  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-1 > 3depth 1-3
5   1   2depth 1-2  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-2
6   1   2depth 1-3  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-3
15  6   3depth 1-1  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-3 > 3depth 1-1 *Latest
2   0   1depth 2    1depth 2
7   2   2depth 2-1  1depth 2 > 2depth 2-1
8   2   2depth 2-2  1depth 2 > 2depth 2-2
9   2   2depth 2-3  1depth 2 > 2depth 2-3
3   0   1depth 3    1depth 3
13  3   2depth 1-1  1depth 3 > 2depth 1-1 

if leaved a comment, I want to post the latest post with the parent post. Like this

id  parent_id   name    depth_fullname

1   0   1depth 1    1depth 1
6   1   2depth 1-3  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-3
15  6   3depth 1-1  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-3 > 3depth 1-1
14  1   2depth 1-2  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-4
4   1   2depth 1-1  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-1
12  4   3depth 1-3  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-1 > 3depth 1-3
11  4   3depth 1-2  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-1 > 3depth 1-2
10  4   3depth 1-1  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-1 > 3depth 1-1    
5   1   2depth 1-2  1depth 1 > 2depth 1-2
3   0   1depth 3    1depth 3
13  3   2depth 1-1  1depth 3 > 2depth 1-1
2   0   1depth 2    1depth 2
9   2   2depth 2-3  1depth 2 > 2depth 2-3
8   2   2depth 2-2  1depth 2 > 2depth 2-2
7   2   2depth 2-1  1depth 2 > 2depth 2-1

And Result

enter image description here

This is my query

Create Query

create table tree_table( 
    id int not null, 
    parent_id int not null, 
    name nvarchar(30) not null 

Select Query I used a recursive function

If do it in the following way, the latest articles are not always displayed.

WITH tree_query AS ( 
        id , 
        parent_id , 
        name , 
        convert(varchar(255), id) sort, 
        convert(varchar(255), name) depth_fullname 
    FROM tree_table 
        parent_id = 0 
            B.id , 
            B.parent_id , 
            B.name , 
            convert(nvarchar,C.sort) + ' > ' + convert(varchar(255), B.id)) sort , 
            convert(nvarchar,C.depth_fullname) + ' > ' + convert(varchar(255), B.name)) depth_fullname 
        FROM tree_table B, 
             tree_query C 
            B.parent_id = C.id ) 
        FROM tree_query 
        ORDER BY sort

How should I change the query? Thanks for your answer!!



Thank you for your reply. But I have a few questions. In the query you sent, the comments are not sorted, so I leave a question like this.

your query produces this unwanted result

sort_number          id          parent_id   name
-------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------------------------
1                    1           0           1Title
1                    4           1             ㄴRE 1Title 1-1
1                    5           1             ㄴRE 1Title 1-2
1                    6           1             ㄴRE 1Title 1-3
1                    14          1             ㄴRE 1Title 1-4
1                    15          6               ㄴRE 3Title 1-3-1
1                    10          4               ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-1
1                    11          4               ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-2
1                    12          4               ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-3
2                    3           0           3Title
2                    13          3             ㄴRE 3Title 1-1
3                    2           0           2Title
3                    7           2             ㄴRE 2Title 1-1
3                    8           2             ㄴRE 2Title 1-2
3                    9           2             ㄴRE 2Title 1-3

I want result like this

sort_number          id          parent_id   name
-------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------------------------
1                    1            0           1Title
1                    6            1              ㄴRE 1Title 1-3
1                    15           6                 ㄴRE 3Title 1-3-1
1                    14           1              ㄴRE 1Title 1-4
1                    4            1              ㄴRE 1Title 1-1
1                    12           4                 ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-3
1                    11           4                 ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-2
1                    10           4                 ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-1
1                    5            1              ㄴRE 1Title 1-2
2                    3            0           3Title
2                    13           3              ㄴRE 3Title 1-1
3                    2            0           2Title
3                    9            2              ㄴRE 2Title 1-3
3                    8            2              ㄴRE 2Title 1-2
3                    7            2              ㄴRE 2Title 1-1

Thanks for your answer

标签: sqlsql-server


@Sander 我有一个问题

insert into tree_table (id, parent_id, name) values
(1, 0, '1Title'),
(2, 0, '2Title'),
(3, 0, '3Title'),
(4, 1,  '  ㄴRE 1Title 1-1'),
(5, 1,  '  ㄴRE 1Title 1-2'),
(6, 1,  '  ㄴRE 1Title 1-3'),
(7, 2,  '  ㄴRE 2Title 1-1'),
(8, 2,  '  ㄴRE 2Title 1-2'),
(9, 2,  '  ㄴRE 2Title 1-3'),
(10, 4, '    ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-1'),
(11, 4, '    ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-2'),
(12, 4, '    ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-3'),
(13, 3, '  ㄴRE 3Title 1-1'),
(14, 1, '  ㄴRE 1Title 1-4'),
(15, 6, '    ㄴRE 3Title 1-3-1');


sort_number          id          parent_id   name
-------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------------------------
1                    1           0           1Title
1                    4           1             ㄴRE 1Title 1-1
1                    5           1             ㄴRE 1Title 1-2
1                    6           1             ㄴRE 1Title 1-3
1                    14          1             ㄴRE 1Title 1-4
1                    15          6               ㄴRE 3Title 1-3-1
1                    10          4               ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-1
1                    11          4               ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-2
1                    12          4               ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-3
2                    3           0           3Title
2                    13          3             ㄴRE 3Title 1-1
3                    2           0           2Title
3                    7           2             ㄴRE 2Title 1-1
3                    8           2             ㄴRE 2Title 1-2
3                    9           2             ㄴRE 2Title 1-3


sort_number          id          parent_id   name
-------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------------------------
1                    1            0           1Title
1                    6            1              ㄴRE 1Title 1-3
1                    15           6                 ㄴRE 3Title 1-3-1
1                    14           1              ㄴRE 1Title 1-4
1                    4            1              ㄴRE 1Title 1-1
1                    12           4                 ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-3
1                    11           4                 ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-2
1                    10           4                 ㄴRE 1Title 1-1-1
1                    5            1              ㄴRE 1Title 1-2
2                    3            0           3Title
2                    13           3              ㄴRE 3Title 1-1
3                    2            0           2Title
3                    9            2              ㄴRE 2Title 1-3
3                    8            2              ㄴRE 2Title 1-2
3                    7            2              ㄴRE 2Title 1-1

