首页 > 解决方案 > 将对象传递给装饰器


我正在尝试创建一个 Python 文件,其中包含我需要在程序的其余部分中使用的所有装饰器。这些装饰器存储在一个类中,我称之为Decorators. 然后我尝试添加一个装饰器来检查装饰函数的参数是否与传递给装饰器本身的参数类型匹配(我从站点https://www.python.org/的示例 4 中获取了这种装饰器dev/peps/pep-0318/#examples,但我对其进行了一些更改以更好地适应我的编码风格)。语法是这样的:

class Decorators(object):

    """ Decorators class: contain all the decorators """

    def argument_consistency(cls, *function_arguments_type):

        """ check the consistency of argument and their types of the decorated function """

        def check_arguments(function):

            """ check if the number of passed arguments is different from the number of accepted arguments """

            # check if the number of passed arguments is different from the number of accepted arguments
            if not len(function_arguments_type) == function.__code__.co_argcount:
                raise Exception("the number of passed argument is different from the number of the accepted arguments")

            def inner_function(*args, **kwds):

                """ check if the type of the passed arguments match with the requested ones """

                # iterate through the list of couples (argument, argument's type) and check for their match
                for (arguments, argument_types) in zip(args, function_arguments_type):

                    # remember that: {arguments} is the n-th argument passed to the function, while
                    # the {argument_types} is the n-th argument types. {args} is the entire list of arguments
                    # passed to the function; {function_arguments_type} is the entire list of types. So zip
                    # returns an iterator of tuples of element of {args} and {function_arguments_type} paired
                    # together, for example zip((1, 2, 3, 4), (a, b, c, d)) = ((1, a), (2, b), (3, c), (4, d))
                    # check if the n-th argument type match with the one requested
                    if not type(arguments) == argument_types:
                        raise Exception(f"The argument {arguments} doesn't match the type, "
                                        f"which must be {argument_types}")

                # returning the passed function using the passed arguments
                return function(*args, **kwds)

            # changing the name of the inner_function to the {function}'s name
            inner_function.__name__ = function.__name__

            # return the inner function
            return inner_function

        # return the check_argument function
        return check_arguments


class A():

    def __init__(self):

    @Decorators.argument_consistency(str, str)
    def a(self, str1, str2):
        print(f"{str1} AND {str2}")

a = A()
a.a("ciao", "ciao2")

显然,当我装饰函数 a 时出现错误(由argument_consistency装饰器本身引发)。这是因为列表参数类型的长度与传递参数列表的长度不同。出现错误是因为我没有放self参数。理解了这个错误,我试图传递self给装饰器,但是我得到了一个错误:(NameError: name 'self' is not defined即使我通过也会发生这种情况type(self));然后我尝试通过课程A本身,但我仍然遇到同样的错误。for所以我试图通过在装饰器中添加循环和之间的一行来解决这个问题if not type(arguments) == argument_types

if not (args.index(arguments) == 0 and argument_types is None):
    # check if the n-th argument type match with the one requested
    if not type(arguments) == argument_types:

        # the rest of the code

这行检查传递给函数装饰器的第一个参数是否是None,那么这意味着函数的第一个参数是self,因此函数不会继续检查是否None等于self参数的类型(显然不是) . 这种方式非常繁琐,与优雅相反。因此我想知道是否有办法避免这个修复并直接将self类型传递给装饰器。

标签: pythonpython-3.xpython-decorators


您可以为对象/类方法的 self 参数创建一个存根类

class selftype:


@Decorators.argument_consistency(selftype, str, str)
def a(self, str1, str2):
    print(f"{str1} AND {str2}")


def inner_function(*args, **kwds):
    for (argument, argument_type, i) in zip(args, function_arguments_type, range(0, len(args))):
        if argument_type == selftype and i == 0:
        # check if the n-th argument type match with the one requested
        elif not type(argument) == argument_type:
            raise Exception(f"The argument {argument} doesn't match the type, "
                            f"which must be {argument_type}")

    # returning the passed function using the passed arguments
    return function(*args, **kwds)


class A():

    def __init__(self):

    @Decorators.argument_consistency(selftype, str, str)
    def a(self, str1, str2):
        print(f"{str1} AND {str2}")

a = A()
a.a("ciao", "ciao2")

def b(str1):



我非常喜欢@go2nirvana 在评论中提出的解决方案,但不幸的是,它对我不起作用。inspect.ismethod(function)返回False内部装饰器函数调用,idk 为什么。
