首页 > 解决方案 > 如何用 C 制作交互式菜单?


出于某种原因,我的程序将打印菜单(使用 ShowMenu 功能),然后结束程序。我尝试调试但没有出现问题。

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

int main() {
    bool Again = true;
    char* MenuName = "Games";
    char* MenuOptions[] = {"Tetris", "Paintball", "Wakfu", "Dofus", "Pokemon", "Legend of Zelda", "Super Mario bros", "Metroman"};
    int MenuSize = sizeof(MenuOptions);
    int Input = MenuSize + 1;
    printf("This program will show an interactive menu\n"); //What it does
    ShowMenu(MenuName, MenuOptions, MenuSize, Again, Input);
    return 0;

void ShowMenu(char* MenuName, char* MenuOptions[], int MenuSize, bool Again, int Input){
    while (Again){
        printf("%s\n", MenuName);
        for (int i = 0; i < MenuSize; i++){
            printf("%d - %s\n", i, MenuOptions[i]);
        MenuSelection(Input, MenuOptions, MenuSize, Again);

void MenuSelection (int Input, char* MenuOptions[], int MenuSize, bool Again){
    printf("Please choose an option within the menu\n");
    scanf("%d", &Input);
    if (Input > 0 && Input < MenuSize){
        return printf("%s\n", MenuOptions[Input]);
        Again = false;

标签: c


您没有MenuSize正确计算,MenuSize在您的声明之后打印并自己查看并printf返回打印的字符数,因此return printf("%s\n", MenuOptions[Input]);无论如何对您的目的都没有用。


int MenuSize = sizeof(MenuOptions);

int MenuSize = sizeof(MenuOptions) / sizeof(MenuOptions[0]);

return printf("%s\n", MenuOptions[Input]);

printf("%s\n", MenuOptions[Input]);
