首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Unity 运行时使用新的输入系统切换动作映射?


我目前有一个设置,玩家可以使用 WASD 向前、向左、向右和向后移动。基本的东西。

public class Player : MonoBehaviour
    public InputMaster controls;
    private float playerSpeed = 4f;
        controls = new InputMaster();
        controls.PlayerN.Movement.performed += ctx => Movement(ctx.ReadValue<Vector2>());
        controls.PlayerN.Movement.performed += ctx => move = ctx.ReadValue<Vector2>();
        controls.PlayerN.Movement.canceled += ctx => move = Vector2.zero;

    void Update()

        Vector2 inputVector = controls.PlayerN.Movement.ReadValue<Vector2>();
        inputVector = new Vector2(move.x, move.y) * Time.deltaTime * playerSpeed;

        Vector3 finalVector = new Vector3();
        finalVector.x = inputVector.x;
        finalVector.z = inputVector.y;
        transform.Translate(finalVector, Space.World);

    private void OnEnable()

       private void OnDisable()


以上是我一直在称运动的方式。你可能会注意到 actionmap 被称为PlayerN,那是因为我总共有 4 个 action map,我希望玩家在相机围绕玩家旋转 90 度时切换到下一个(北、东、南、西方)。例如,我的名为“PlayerE”的动作图在 W 上向左移动,在 S 上向右移动,在 A 上向下移动,在 D 上向上移动。我只是重新调整了 WASD 键的方向。


我有一个关于如何解决这个问题的想法,但我不知道我是否走在正确的轨道上。我有一个 switch 循环,它检查另一个名为 的脚本中的 int camDirection,我将这部分放在我的void Update()函数中。

 switch (refScript.camDirection)
            case -3:
                Debug.Log("Facing East");
            case -2:
                Debug.Log("Facing South");
            case -1:
                Debug.Log("Facing West");
            case 0:
                Debug.Log("Facing North");
            case 1:
                Debug.Log("Facing East");
            case 2:
                Debug.Log("Facing South");
            case 3:
                Debug.Log("Facing West");


标签: c#unity3d


好的,我将按照您在评论中的要求发布一个计算 3D 空间中玩家移动的代码。

首先,假设我们在同一个坐标系中:X - 左(-X 是右) Y - 上(-Y = 下) Z - 前(-Z = 后)。然后你需要有 3 个字段(类级别的变量):

//Actual position of the player in 3d space
Vector3 _playerPosition;

// The point in 3d space at which the player is looking right now
// If he can move only horizontally - the Y coordinate can be locked.
Vector3 _playerLooksAt;

// Last known mouse position
Vector2 _lastMousePosition;

然后在您的 Update 方法中执行以下操作:

void Update()
        // You need to where the Player should be moved, like that:
        // Vector2 inputVector = controls.PlayerN.Movement.ReadValue<Vector2>();
        // But I do not know what did you have there, so usually I read them from
        // AWSD keys:
        float x = 0, z = 0;
        var pressedKey = Keyboard.GetPressedKey(); // depends on your platform
        if (pressedKey == "W") // move forward
              z = 1;
        if (pressedKey == "A") // move left
              x = 1;
        // and for remaining keys similar code, but assign -1 accordingly.  
        var inputVectorForMovement = new Vector3(x, 0, z);

        // Then you have to get rotation angle, again I do not know how you do it, 
        // but it is usually obtained from mouse movement:
        var currentMousePosition = Mouse.GetPosition(); // depends on your platform
        // I just did simple approximation here to rotate on the angle of 45 degrees converted to radians per 100 pixels of mouse movement:
        var horizontalRotationAngleRadians = Math.Pi/4f * (currentMousePosition.X - _lastMousePosition.X) / 100f;
        // Create rotation matrix assuming Y is up vector: 
        var rotationMatrixForPlayerDirection = Matrix.CreateRotationY(horizontalRotationAngleRadians);
        // Calculate player direction:
        var playerDirection = _playerLooksAt - _playerPosition;

        // Normalize it*, so the direction vector will have coefficients per each axis indicating how much the position should be moved to either side:
        // and rotate it:
        var rotatedPlayerDirection = Vector3.Transfom(playerDirection, rotationMatrixForPlayerDirection);
        // Then you can simply move forward or backward along this vector:
        var movementOnVector = (rotatedPlayerDirection * Time.deltaTime * playerSpeed * inputVectorForMovement.Z);
        _position += movementOnVector;

        // To move left or right according to the direction vector 
        // you have to calculate a vector perpendicular 
        // to both of direction vector and up vector (which is Y)**:
        var sideDirectionVector = Vector3.Cross(rotatedPlayerDirection, Vector3.UnitY);
        // and just do the movement along that vector:
        movementOnVector = (sideDirectionVector * Time.deltaTime * playerSpeed * inputVectorForMovement.X);
        _position += movementOnVector;

        // Do not forget to update fields:
        _playerLooksAt = _position + rotatedPlayerDirection;
        _lastMousePosition = currentMousePosition;


