首页 > 解决方案 > 如何从 Applescript 启动特定版本的 Illustrator?


我安装了两个版本的 Illustrator,Adobe Illustrator 2020 和 Adob​​e Illustrator CC 2019。如何从 Applescript 确保选择了 Adob​​e Illustrator CC 2019?

为此,我进行了以下 applescript 编码,但 applescript 会自动更改应用程序名称。

set theResult to every paragraph of (do shell script "mdfind 'kMDItemContentTypeTree == \"com.apple.application\"c' | sort")
set systemApps to {}
set applicationsApps to {}
set Version2019 to "" as string
set Version2020 to "" as string
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in theResult
    set end of systemApps to item i of theResult
    if item i of theResult contains "Adobe Illustrator CC 2019" then
        set end of applicationsApps to item i of theResult
        set Version2019 to "true" as string
        exit repeat
    end if
end repeat
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in theResult
    set end of systemApps to item i of theResult
    if item i of theResult contains "Adobe Illustrator 2020" then
        set end of applicationsApps to item i of theResult
        set Version2020 to "true" as string
        exit repeat
    end if
end repeat
--display dialog (Version2019)
tell application "Finder"
    if (Version2019 contains "true" and Version2020 contains "true") then
        --display dialog "hey! " & theUser & return & return & "Adobe Illustrator 2019 and Adobe Illustrator 2020 available in this Mac" buttons {"Ok"}
        set questionStudio to display dialog "hey! " & return & return & "Adobe Illustrator 2019 and Adobe Illustrator 2020 available in this Mac." & return & return & "Please select Version:" buttons {"Adobe Illustrator CC 2019", "Adobe Illustrator 2020", "Cancel"}
        set answerStudio to button returned of questionStudio
        if answerStudio contains "Adobe Illustrator 2020" then
            tell application "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator 2020/Adobe Illustrator.app"
                if it is not running then launch
            end tell
            it is running
            return 0
        else if answerStudio contains "Adobe Illustrator 2019" then
            tell application "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CC 2019/Adobe Illustrator.app"
                if it is not running then launch
            end tell
            it is running
            return 0
        else if answerStudio contains "Cancel" then
            tell me to quit
        end if
    else if (Version2019 contains "true") then
        --tell application "Finder"
        set appVersion to "Adobe Illustrator 2019"
        --end tell
    else if (Version2020 contains "true") then
        --tell application "Finder"
        set appVersion to "Adobe Illustrator 2020"
        --end tell
    end if
end tell

标签: applescript



另请注意,Finder 中显示的应用程序名称可能不是其真实文件名。



tell application "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator 2020/Adobe Illustrator.app"
end tell
