首页 > 解决方案 > 通过 PowerShell 使用自定义 bin 路径/配置创建 MongoDB Windows 服务


我目前在从 powershell 调用 sc.exe 创建调用(以创建 Windows 服务)时遇到问题。

我正在尝试为具有一系列自定义参数的 mongodb 服务创建一个 Windows 服务包装器。

$ServiceName = "MyMongoDb"
$DisplayName = "My MongoDb Service"
$mediaPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Company\Product"
$ConfigPath = ("{0}\MongoDb\mongod.cfg" -f $mediaPath)
$TargetPath = ("{0}\MongoDb\bin\mongod.exe" -f $mediaPath) 
$cmd = 'sc.exe create "{0}" binpath= ""{1}" --service --config="{2}"" displayname= "{3}" start= "auto"' -f $ServiceName,$TargetPath,$ConfigPath,$DisplayName
iex $cmd | Tee-Object  ("{0}\output.txt" -f $mediaPath) 
Write-Host 'Created Service...'

我遇到的问题是 powershell 失败并出现以下错误 -

x86 : The term 'x86' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path 
is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:56
+ sc.exe create "MyMongoDb" binpath= ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Company\Product\Mong ...
+                                                        ~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (x86:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

实际上,它不会将 bin 路径视为单个字符串。我试图以各种不同的方式转义字符串,包括使用 ' 和 "" 但无济于事。



标签: mongodbpowershellwindows-services


Your issue is due to fact you need nested quotes running a cmdlet from PowerShell.

Ultimately you are trying to create a service using sc.exe and your bin parameter has spaces, so you have to escape the inner quotes with backslashes ". More info here

Which is all well and good in cmd but you are not in cmd you are in PowerShell.

The way powershell deals with escapes characters is slightly different to cmd so what is getting passed to sc.exe is causing an error for this reason, so you need to run it from cmd. (cmd.exe --% /c), I have also put the whole thing inside a HERE-STRING so it can be interpreted literally.

$ServiceName = "MyMongoDb"
$DisplayName = "My MongoDb Service"
$mediaPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Company\Product"
$ConfigPath = ("{0}\MongoDb\mongod.cfg" -f $mediaPath)
$TargetPath = ("{0}\MongoDb\bin\mongod.exe" -f $mediaPath)  
$cmd = @"
cmd.exe --% /c sc.exe create "$ServiceName" binpath= "\"$TargetPath\" --service --config=\"$ConfigPath\"" displayname= "$DisplayName" start= "auto"
Write-Host $cmd
iex $cmd | Tee-Object  ("{0}\output.txt" -f $mediaPath) 
Write-Host 'Created Service...'
