首页 > 解决方案 > 我相信我做了一个无限循环,但我不知道它是在哪里创建的




Private Sub btnAdd_click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
    addName = InputBox("What is the name of the product you wish to add?")
    addPrice = InputBox("What is the price of the product?")
    addQuantity = InputBox("What is the quantity in stock of the product?")
End Sub


Public Sub added(ByRef addlist As String, ByRef addPQ As String)
    Dim nameID As Double = lstStock.Items.Count
    Dim lstCount As Double = lstStock.Items.Count
    Dim lstArrayCount As Double = 0
    Dim num As Double
    Dim lstNum As String
    While lstArrayCount < 1
        lstNum = addName
        lstArrayCount = +1
    End While
    While lstArrayCount < lstCount
        lstNum = lstNum & addName & "}, {"
        lstArrayCount = +1
    End While
    Dim priceQuantityCount As Double
    Dim lstPrice As String
    While priceQuantityCount < 1
        lstPrice = lstPrice & addPrice & ", " & addQuantity & "}"
        priceQuantityCount = +1
    End While
    While priceQuantityCount > 1 And priceQuantityCount < lstCount
        lstPrice = lstPrice & ", {" & addPrice & ", " & addQuantity & "}"
        priceQuantityCount = +1
    End While
    Dim List() As String = {lstNum}
    Dim PriceQuantity(,) As String = {{lstPrice}}
    addlist = List.ToString()
    addPQ = PriceQuantity.ToString()
End Sub

按下按钮时,一切都冻结了。为了以防万一,我把它放在这里。除了程序冻结并且 cpu 使用率上升之外,没有任何视觉效果发生。没有错误消息或类似的东西。

Private Sub btnCheck_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCheck.Click
    Dim check As String = lstStock.SelectedItem.ToString()
    Dim add1 As String
    Dim add2 As String
    added(add1, add2)
    Dim strPrice As String
    Dim strQuantity As String
    Dim PQArray As String
    Dim intIndex As Integer
    PQArray = add2
    intIndex = PQArray.IndexOf("")
    If intIndex <> -1 Then
        strPrice = PQArray.Substring(0, intIndex)
        strQuantity = PQArray.Substring(intIndex + 1)
    End If
    MessageBox.Show("there are " & "quantity" & " " & check & " in stock priced at $" & "price" & " each.")
    MessageBox.Show(strPrice & "  :  " & strQuantity)
End Sub


标签: arraysvb.net




表单级别的价格数组。这应该是类型Decimal- 好用于金钱的东西。

Private PriceArray(10) As Decimal

表单级别的 Quantity 数组。这应该是整数类型,库存项目的整数。

Private QuantityArray(10) As Integer

现在让我们看看您的 Add 方法。

Private Sub btnAdd_click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
    Dim addName = InputBox("What is the name of the product you wish to add?")
    Dim addPrice = InputBox("What is the price of the product?")
    Dim addQuantity = InputBox("What is the quantity in stock of the product?")
    PriceArray(CurrentIndex) = CDec(addPrice)
    QuantityArray(CurrentIndex) = CInt(addQuantity)
    CurrentIndex += 1
End Sub

我将您的 3 个变量更改为局部变量(添加了 Dim)。我更改了列表框的名称,以便它可以在我的测试项目中使用。就像您一样,我将名称添加到列表框中。第一次单击此按钮时,名称将添加到索引 0 处的 Items 集合中。我添加了另一个表单级变量CurrentIndex. 这将跟踪我们在数组中的位置。第一次通过CurrentIndex默认初始化为0. 我们使用 Current Index 作为我们填写输入值的索引。下次我们添加时,我们需要递增CurrentIndex到下一个索引。

CurrentIndex += 1

我认为你试图这样做,但你的语法有点错误。它是 += ; 你有 = +1 只会将 1 分配给变量。



Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
    Dim IndexSelected = ListBox1.SelectedIndex
    TextBox1.Text = PriceArray(IndexSelected).ToString("N2")
    TextBox2.Text = QuantityArray(IndexSelected).ToString
End Sub

我们可以通过.SelectedIndex属性获取索引。我们使用该索引来查找 和 中的匹配PriceArrayQuantityArray。的"N2"后面告诉它显示一个小数点后 2 位的数字.ToStringPriceArray
