首页 > 解决方案 > 文件读取错误未读取 .txt 文件中的内容




  1. 一种用于获取输入
  1. 计算风寒必须等于或低于华氏 50 度
  2. 计算云基础
  3. 一个用于输出


  1. 一种用于打开文件失败条件的文件***这是问题所在使用***
  2. 一种计算风寒
  3. 一个计算云基础
  4. 一个输出考虑其他你认为合适的功能
    #include <iostream>

    #include <cmath>

    #include <math.h>

    #include <fstream>

    using namespace std;
    //function prototypes
    //void getUserInput(double& temp, double& wind_speed, double& dew_point);

    //calculate the wind chill 
    void calculateWindChill(double& temp, double& wind_speed, double& wc);

    //calculate  cloud base 
    void calculateCloudBase(double& temp, double& dew_point, double& cb);

    // show cases the data on the program that was calculated
    void dataOutPut(double wc, double cb);

    //opens file for data scan
    void fileopn(double& temp, double& wind_speed, double& dew_point);

    int main()
    //intializing variables
    double temp = 0, wind_speed = 0, dew_point = 0, wc = 0, cb = 0;
    bool valid = false;

        fileopn( temp,  wind_speed,  dew_point);
        // validates if temp is greater than 50 F and wind chill must be greater than 3.0 mphs
        if (temp > 50 || wind_speed < 3.0)
            cout << "error temperature mus be less than 50 degrees and wind speed must be above 3.0         mphs" << endl;
    } while (temp > 50 || wind_speed < 3.0);

    calculateWindChill(temp, wind_speed, wc);
    calculateCloudBase(temp, dew_point, cb);
    dataOutPut(wc, cb);
    return 0;

    //get inputs from the user 

    void dataOutPut(double wc, double cb)
        cout << " the wind chill is :" << wc << endl;

        cout << "the cloud base is : " << cb << endl;

    //calculates windChill

    void calculateWindChill(double& temp, double& wind_speed, double& wc)

        wc = 35.74 + (0.6215 * temp) - (35.37 * pow(wind_speed, 0.16)) + (0.4275 * temp *    pow(wind_speed, 0.16));

     //calculate Cloudbase

     void calculateCloudBase(double& temp, double& dew_point, double& cb)
        double temp_spread = temp - dew_point;
        cb = temp_spread / (4.4 * 1000);  // caclulates cloudbase (formula)

     //opens file
     void fileopn(double& temp, double& wind_speed, double& dew_point)
        ifstream inputFile;
        string filename;
        double number;
        //get filename from user
        cout << "Enter file name " << endl;
        cin >> filename;

        cout << inputFile.is_open();
        if (inputFile)

            while (inputFile >> number)
            cout << number << endl;
            cout << "Error opening the file . \n";


标签: c++



 inputFile.open (filename, std::ifstream::in);

