首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 awk 执行 shell 脚本在 AppleScript 中失败,但相同的 awk 命令在终端中有效


使 shell 脚本在 AppleScript 中工作。


awk -F\" '/kMDItemTextContent/{print $2}' /Users/john/Desktop/PDFTags/mdimport.txt

但是同一行, with do shell script,在脚本编辑器中引发错误。

do shell script "awk -F\" '/kMDItemTextContent/{print $2}' /Users/john/Desktop/PDFTags/mdimport.txt"


tell current application do shell script "awk -F\" '/kMDItemTextContent/{print $2}' /Users/john/Desktop/PDFTags/mdimport.txt"
--> error "sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `\"' sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file" number 2

作为参考,这里是 mdimport.txt 的上下文

Imported '/Users/John/Desktop/PDFTags/Untitled.txt' of type 'public.plain-text' with plugIn /System/Library/Spotlight/RichText.mdimporter. 32 attributes returned {
    ":EA:_kMDItemUserTags" =     (
    ":EA:kMDItemLastUsedDate" = "2020-11-07 08:17:13 +0000";
    ":MD:DeviceId" = 16777227;
    ":MD:kMDItemPath" = "/Users/john/Desktop/PDFTags/Untitled.txt";
    "_kMDItemContentChangeDate" = "2020-11-05 23:24:57 +0000";
    "_kMDItemCreationDate" = "2020-11-05 22:34:36 +0000";
    "_kMDItemCreatorCode" = 0;
    "_kMDItemDisplayNameWithExtensions" =     {
        "" = "Untitled.txt";
    "_kMDItemFileName" = "Untitled.txt";
    "_kMDItemFinderFlags" = 16;
    "_kMDItemFinderLabel" = 0;
    "_kMDItemFromImporter" = 1;
    "_kMDItemIsExtensionHidden" = 1;
    "_kMDItemIsFromImporter" = 1;
    "_kMDItemLocked" = 1;
    "_kMDItemOwnerGroupID" = 20;
    "_kMDItemOwnerUserID" = 501;
    "_kMDItemTextEncodingHint" = 134217984;
    "_kMDItemTypeCode" = 0;
    "com_apple_metadata_modtime" = "626311497.290109";
    kMDItemAlternateNames =     (
    kMDItemContentCreationDate = "2020-11-05 22:34:36 +0000";
    kMDItemContentModificationDate = "2020-11-05 23:24:57 +0000";
    kMDItemContentType = "public.plain-text";
    kMDItemContentTypeTree =     (
    kMDItemDateAdded = "2020-11-07 08:56:45 +0000";
    kMDItemDisplayName =     {
        "" = Untitled;
    kMDItemDocumentIdentifier = 27837;
    kMDItemKind =     {
        "" = NSStringPboardType;
        ar = "\U0645\U0633\U062a\U0646\U062f \U0646\U0635\U064a \U0639\U0627\U062f\U064a";
        ca = "Document de text sense format";
        cs = "Prost\U00fd textov\U00fd dokument";
        da = "Alm. tekstdokument";
        de = "Reines Textdokument";
        el = "\U0388\U03b3\U03b3\U03c1\U03b1\U03c6\U03bf \U03b1\U03c0\U03bb\U03bf\U03cd \U03ba\U03b5\U03b9\U03bc\U03ad\U03bd\U03bf\U03c5";
        en = "Plain Text Document";
        "en_AU" = "Plain Text Document";
        "en_GB" = "Plain Text Document";
        es = "Documento de texto sin formato";
        "es_419" = "Documento de texto sin formato";
        fi = "Pelkk\U00e4 teksti -dokumentti";
        fr = "Document format texte";
        "fr_CA" = "Document format texte";
        he = "\U05de\U05e1\U05de\U05da \U05de\U05dc\U05dc \U05e4\U05e9\U05d5\U05d8";
        hi = "\U092a\U094d\U0932\U0947\U0928 \U091f\U0947\U0915\U094d\U0938\U094d\U091f \U0926\U0938\U094d\U0924\U093e\U0935\U0947\U091c\U093c";
        hr = "Dokument obi\U010dnog teksta";
        hu = "Sima sz\U00f6veges dokumentum";
        id = "Dokumen Teks Biasa";
        it = "Documento di solo testo";
        ja = "\U6a19\U6e96\U30c6\U30ad\U30b9\U30c8\U66f8\U985e";
        ko = "\Uc77c\Ubc18 \Ud14d\Uc2a4\Ud2b8 \Ubb38\Uc11c";
        ms = "Dokumen Teks Biasa";
        nl = "Platte-tekstdocument";
        no = "Dokument med ren tekst";
        pl = "dokument tekstowy (zwyk\U0142y)";
        pt = "Documento de Texto Simples";
        "pt_PT" = "Documento de texto simples";
        ro = "Document text simplu";
        ru = "\U0414\U043e\U043a\U0443\U043c\U0435\U043d\U0442 \U043f\U0440\U043e\U0441\U0442\U043e\U0433\U043e \U0442\U0435\U043a\U0441\U0442\U0430";
        sk = "Dokument s\U00a0oby\U010dajn\U00fdm textom";
        sv = "Rent textdokument";
        th = "\U0e40\U0e2d\U0e01\U0e2a\U0e32\U0e23\U0e02\U0e49\U0e2d\U0e04\U0e27\U0e32\U0e21\U0e18\U0e23\U0e23\U0e21\U0e14\U0e32";
        tr = "D\U00fcz Metin Belgesi";
        uk = "\U0414\U043e\U043a\U0443\U043c\U0435\U043d\U0442 \U043f\U0440\U043e\U0441\U0442\U043e\U0433\U043e \U0442\U0435\U043a\U0441\U0442\U0443";
        vi = "T\U00e0i li\U1ec7u v\U0103n b\U1ea3n thu\U1ea7n t\U00fay";
        "zh_CN" = "\U7eaf\U6587\U672c\U6587\U7a3f";
        "zh_HK" = "\U7d14\U6587\U5b57\U6587\U4ef6";
        "zh_TW" = "\U7d14\U6587\U5b57\U6587\U4ef6";
    kMDItemLogicalSize = 345;
    kMDItemPhysicalSize = 4096;
    kMDItemTextContent = "Here are the text file contents that was used to test the routine.\n\nHash Tag Test Document\n\n#HashTag1 this is the first hash tag.\n#HashTag2 this is the second hash tag.\n\nThe following hash tag is inside and at the end of a paragraph:
#HashTag3\n\nThe next hash tag #HashTag4 is in the middle of a paragraph.\n\n#HashTag5\n#asdfasdfasdfasdfasfdasdfasd"; }

标签: shellawkapplescriptzsh



寻找匹配的 `\"' 时出现意外的 EOF



do shell script "awk -F'\"' '/kMDItemTextContent/{print $2}' /Users/john/Desktop/PDFTags/mdimport.txt"


"这里是用于测试例程的文本文件内容。\n\n哈希标记测试文档\n\n#HashTag1 这是第一个哈希标记。\n#HashTag2 这是第二个哈希标记。\n\nThe以下井号标签在段落的内部和结尾:"
