首页 > 解决方案 > 用多线程 C 分叉一个进程



#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

static pid_t child = -2;

void *sleepnprint(void *arg) {
 printf("%d:%s starting up...\n", getpid(), (char *) arg);

 while (child == -2) {sleep(1);} /* Later we will use condition variables */

 printf("%d:%s finishing...\n",getpid(), (char*)arg);

 return NULL;  
int main() {
 pthread_t tid1, tid2;
 pthread_create(&tid1,NULL, sleepnprint, "New Thread One");
 pthread_create(&tid2,NULL, sleepnprint, "New Thread Two");
 child = fork();
 printf("%d:%s\n",getpid(), "fork()ing complete");
 printf("%d:%s\n",getpid(), "Main thread finished");
 return 0; /* Never executes */
8970:New Thread One starting up...
8970:fork()ing complete
8973:fork()ing complete
8970:New Thread Two starting up...
8970:New Thread Two finishing...
8970:New Thread One finishing...
8970:Main thread finished
8973:Main thread finished
  1. 8970是父进程吗?
  2. 从网站上,它说孩子只有单线程,所以这是否意味着子进程没有sleepnprint运行?
  3. 为什么8970:fork()ing complete 8973:fork()ing complete要先打印8970:New Thread Two starting up...?线程和进程的顺序是随机的吗?

标签: cpthreadsfork


主线程(main() 函数)使用pthread_create( ) 创建两个线程,但由于它们是线程,它们是同一进程的一部分(getpid() 为主线程和辅助线程返回 8970)。如果您想要任务标识符,请在线程入口点调用gettid() (您将分别获得 8971 和 8972)。

然后,父进程分叉,父进程和子进程都在 main() 函数中继续。他们分别显示他们的pid:8970和8973。

当一个多线程进程fork时,只有调用线程在子进程中被“复制”(父进程的其他线程不会被fork:子进程是单线程的,直到它在它的一侧创建新线程)。因此,在您的示例中,子进程编号 8973 没有在父进程(编号 8970)中创建的两个线程。



#define _GNU_SOURCE  // To get gettid()
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static volatile pid_t child = -2;

void *sleepnprint(void *arg)
  printf("Process %d, Task %d:%s starting up...\n", getpid(), gettid(), (char *) arg);

  // This is not the best way to synchronize threads but this works here:
  // once the main thread returns from fork(), child = pid of child process
  // (i.e. != -2)
  while (child == -2) {sleep(1);} /* Later we will use condition variables */

  printf("Process %d, Task %d:%s finishing...\n", getpid(), gettid(), (char*)arg);

  return NULL;  

int main() {

  pthread_t tid1, tid2;
  pthread_create(&tid1,NULL, sleepnprint, "New Thread One");
  pthread_create(&tid2,NULL, sleepnprint, "New Thread Two");
  child = fork();

  // In father process: child = child process pid
  // In child process: child = 0

  if (child == 0) {

    // This is the child process

    printf("%d:%s\n",getpid(), "Child process finished");


  // Father process

  printf("%d:%s\n",getpid(), "fork()ing complete");

  printf("%d:%s\n",getpid(), "Main thread finished");

  return 0; /* Never executes */


$ gcc example.c -l pthread
$ ./a.out
Process 6141, Task 6142:New Thread One starting up...
Process 6141, Task 6142:New Thread One finishing...
Process 6141, Task 6143:New Thread Two starting up...
Process 6141, Task 6143:New Thread Two finishing...
6144:Child process finished
6141:fork()ing complete
6141:Main thread finished
