首页 > 解决方案 > Anaconda worker does not start in Sublime text (Conncetion to local host timing out)


The following was the error I got

Sublime Text

IDAnaconda worker could not start because:

 connection to localhost:63828 timed out after 0.2s. tried to 
 conned 7 times during 2.0 seconds

 check that there is Python process executing the anaconda 
 jsonserver.py script running in your system. If there is check 
 that you can connectto your localhost writing the following 
 script in your Sublime Text 3 console:

 import socket; socket.socket(socket.AF_INEL 
 socket.SOCK_STREAM).connect((iocalhost; 63828))

 If anaconda works just fine after you received this error and 
 the command above worked you can make anaconda to do 
 not show you this error anymore setting the 
 'swallow_startup_errors' to 'true' in your configuration file.

Kindly help me out here.

标签: sublimetext3sublime-text-pluginsublime-anaconda


我在我的环境中修复了它,将默认的 Anaconda Python 解释器从 更改pythonpython3. 为此,请转到 Preferences > Package Settings > Anaconda > "Settings - Default" > "python_interpreter": "python3",(line ~100)。
