首页 > 解决方案 > 查找单个 rgb 值是否落在数组中任何 rgb 值的阈值内 - javascript


对于创建一个函数以将单个 RGB 值与 RGB 值数组进行比较并确定它是否在阈值内,我将不胜感激。这是使用 HTML5 canvas 元素在 vanilla javascript 中完成的。


var colorArray = [  //rgb values to search through
[212, 35, 96],
[200, 200, 150],
[100, 100, 75]

var threshold = 15;   //the threshold

//Given a canvas with an image drawn on it
var pixelData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // get the canvas pixel data

for(var row = 0; row < canvas.height; row++){   //stepping through the pixels

    for (var col = 0, index = 0, colorTotal = 0; col < canvas.width; col++){
        index = (col + (row * canvas.width)) * 4;
        colorTotal = pixelData.data[index] + pixelData.data[index + 1] + pixelData.data[index + 2];  //add the rgb values of the current pixel

        for(var i = 0, pixelColorTotal = 0, result = 0; i < colorArray.length; i++){   //stepping through the colorArray

            pixelColorTotal = colorArray[i] [0] + colorArray[i] [1] + colorArray[i] [2];  //add the rgb values of the current array element
            result = Math.abs(colorTotal - pixelColorTotal);  //find the difference between the color totals

            if(result < threshold){
               //..do something we've breached the threshold

这效果不太好,因为例如: [255, 0, 50] 和 [50, 255, 0] 甚至不接近相同的颜色,但它们会触发阈值。


var colorArray = [  //rgb values to search through
[212, 35, 96],
[200, 200, 150],
[100, 100, 75]

var threshold = 15;   //the threshold

//Given a canvas with an image drawn on it
var pixelData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // get the canvas pixel data

for(var row = 0; row < canvas.height; row++){   //stepping through the pixels

    for (var col = 0, index = 0; col < canvas.width; col++){
        index = (col + (row * canvas.width)) * 4;

        for(var i = 0, result = 0; i < colorArray.length; i++){   //stepping through the colorArray

            result = Math.abs(pixelData.data[index] - colorArray[i] [0]);   //load red difference
            if(result >= threshold){       //check the red channel to see if it exceeds threshold

                result = Math.abs(pixelData.data[index + 1] - colorArray[i] [1]);   //load green difference
                if(result >= threshold){       //check the green channel to see if it exceeds threshold

                     result = Math.abs(pixelData.data[index + 2] - colorArray[i] [2]);   //load blue difference
                     if(result >= threshold){       //check the green channel to see if it exceeds threshold

                         //do something we have passed all the threshold checks





标签: javascriptarrayscanvasthreshold


我不是 100% 确定你想要什么,所以如果我走错了方向,请告诉我。

function withinThreshold(colorArr, inputArr, threshold){
    let maxThreshold = threshold;
    let minThreshold = threshold * -1;
    for(var i = 0; i < colorArr.length; i++){
        let rDiff = colorArr[i][0] - inputArr[0];
        let gDiff = colorArr[i][1] - inputArr[1];
        let bDiff = colorArr[i][2] - inputArr[2];
        if(rDiff > minThreshold && rDiff < maxThreshold &&
           gDiff > minThreshold && gDiff < maxThreshold &&
           bDiff > minThreshold && gDiff < maxThreshold){
             return i
    return -1

var colorArray = [  //rgb values to search through
    [212, 35, 96],
    [200, 200, 150],
    [100, 100, 75]
var threshold = 15;

for(var row = 0; row < canvas.height; row++){
    for (var col = 0; col < canvas.width; col++){
        let pixel = ctx.getImageData(row, col, 1, 1);
        let match = withinThreshold(colorArray, pixel, threshold);
        if(match === -1){
            console.log('no match found');
            console.log('match found! index:',match);
        // I made it like indexOf, it will return the matching index of colorArr.
        // You can simplify it like this:
            if(match > -1){
                console.log('match found');

也不要忘记 getImageData 很可能会返回 4 位数组 [r,g,b,a],除非您将设置更改为不允许 alpha。

我也做了它,所以它单独抓取它需要的像素数据。这样,将来您可以将其细化到特定位置,而无需检查所有内容。只需将canvas.width更改为 10 和 20。这样您就可以只保存更改区域的处理。您也可以使用colcanvas.height来进一步缩小它。

