首页 > 解决方案 > C++,Android NDK:如何将我的原始音频数据正确保存到文件并再次加载


我正在开发一个播放音频的 Android 应用程序。为了最大限度地减少延迟,我通过 JNI 使用 C++ 来使用 C++ 库双簧管播放应用程序。

目前,在播放之前,应用程序必须解码给定的文件(例如 mp3),然后播放解码后的原始音频流。如果文件较大,这会导致播放开始前的等待时间。所以我想事先进行解码,保存它,当请求播放时,只需播放保存文件中的解码数据。我几乎不知道如何在 C++ 中进行正确的文件 i/o,并且很难理解它。有可能我的问题可以通过正确的库来解决,我不确定。


bool Converter::doConversion(const std::string& fullPath, const std::string& name) {

    // here I'm setting up the extractor and necessary inputs. Omitted since not relevant

    // this is where the decoder is called to decode a file to raw audio
    constexpr int kMaxCompressionRatio{12};
    const long maximumDataSizeInBytes = kMaxCompressionRatio * (size) * sizeof(int16_t);
    auto decodedData = new uint8_t[maximumDataSizeInBytes];

    int64_t bytesDecoded = NDKExtractor::decode(*extractor, decodedData);
    auto numSamples = bytesDecoded / sizeof(int16_t);
    auto outputBuffer = std::make_unique<float[]>(numSamples);

    // This block is necessary to get the correct format for oboe.
    // The NDK decoder can only decode to int16, we need to convert to floats
            reinterpret_cast<int16_t *>(decodedData),
            bytesDecoded / sizeof(int16_t));

    // This is how I currently save my outputBuffer to a file. This produces a file on the disc.
    std::string outputSuffix = ".pcm";
    std::string outputName = std::string(mFolder) + name + outputSuffix;
    std::ofstream outfile(outputName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
    outfile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&outputBuffer), sizeof outputBuffer);

    return true;

所以我相信我拿了我的浮点数组,将它转换为一个字符数组并保存它。我不确定这是否正确,但这是我对它的最佳理解。反正后面有个文件。 编辑:正如我在分析我保存的文件时发现的那样,我只存储了 8 个字节。

现在我如何再次加载这个文件并恢复我的 outputBuffer 的内容?


StorageDataSource *StorageDataSource::openPCM(const char *fileName, AudioProperties targetProperties) {

    long bufferSize;
    char * buffer;

    std::ifstream stream(fileName, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

    stream.seekg (0, std::ios::beg);
    bufferSize = stream.tellg();
    buffer = new char [bufferSize];
    stream.read(buffer, bufferSize);


标签: androidc++ioandroid-ndkoboe




bool Converter::doConversion(const std::string& fullPath, const std::string& name) {

    // here I'm setting up the extractor and necessary inputs. Omitted since not relevant

    // this is where the decoder is called to decode a file to raw audio
    constexpr int kMaxCompressionRatio{12};
    const long maximumDataSizeInBytes = kMaxCompressionRatio * (size) * sizeof(int16_t);
    auto decodedData = new uint8_t[maximumDataSizeInBytes];

    int64_t bytesDecoded = NDKExtractor::decode(*extractor, decodedData);
    auto numSamples = bytesDecoded / sizeof(int16_t);
    // converting to float has moved to the reading function, so now i save decodedData directly.

    std::string outputSuffix = ".pcm";
    std::string outputName = std::string(mFolder) + name + outputSuffix;
    std::ofstream outfile(outputName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
    outfile.write((char*)decodedData, numSamples * sizeof (int16_t));
    return true;


    long bufferSize;
    char * inputBuffer;

    std::ifstream stream;
    stream.open(fileName, std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);

    if (!stream.is_open()) {
        // handle error

    stream.seekg (0, std::ios::end); // seek to the end
    bufferSize = stream.tellg(); // get size info, will be 0 without seeking to the end
    stream.seekg (0, std::ios::beg); // seek to beginning

    inputBuffer = new char [bufferSize];

    stream.read(inputBuffer, bufferSize); // the actual reading into the buffer. would be null without seeking back to the beginning

    // done reading the file.
    auto numSamples = bufferSize / sizeof(int16_t); // calculate my number of samples, so the audio is correctly interpreted
    auto outputBuffer = std::make_unique<float[]>(numSamples);

    // the decoding bit now happens after the file is open. This avoids confusion
    // The NDK decoder can only decode to int16, we need to convert to floats
            reinterpret_cast<int16_t *>(inputBuffer),
            bufferSize / sizeof(int16_t));

    // here I continue working with my outputBuffer

我没有或没有得到的重要信息/理解 C++ 是

