首页 > 解决方案 > Acumatica Create PO Receipt via API setting the detail line po data does not create the PO Receipt Orders Link


I am creating a PO receipt via my own custom endpoint using the rest API. I can create the receipt and add the lines ok and even assign a PO Nbr, Line Nbr etc to the line as well. But when I view the PO Receipt in Acumatica the the PO Receipt Order Link does not appear under the Purchase Orders tab.

Is there something I have to do to get this link there? As I think it affects tax amounts when the bill is created.


标签: acumatica


您正在使用哪个 Acumatica 版本?

我使用此参考通过 Postman 创建了 PO 收据。

我将其调整为我的数据(Acumatica 销售演示数据),如下所示: 在此处输入图像描述

结果在 Acumatica 中看起来是正确的:

  • 我们有正确引用源采购订单的采购收据: 在此处输入图像描述

  • 我们在采购订单页面中有对采购收据的引用: 在此处输入图像描述
