首页 > 解决方案 > Java判断一个数组是否是另一个数组的子集


我很难找出特定数量的数字是否在另一个数组中。第一个数组生成 10 个随机数,在第二个数组中用户猜测 5 个数字。我试图找出用户是否猜到了任何序列。我用于循环找出用户输入的数量是否在 10 的数组中从 1-5 的任何数字中,如果不是,它将检查数字 2-6 等等。例如,如果程序有以下中奖号码:23 56 67 06 43 22 59 24 90 66 并且用户输入:01 06 43 22 89。我总是让索引超出范围。我该如何解决这个问题?

    // to check if user guessed a sequence
    boolean guessed = false;
    int counter = 0;
    int i , j = 0;
    for (i = 4; i < numbers.length; i++) {    // users numbers
        for ( j = 4; j < lottery.length; j++) {  // first 5 numbers from array 
            if ( lottery[i] == numbers[j]) {
            if ( j == i) {
                guessed = true;

标签: java


String::indexOf对于试图查找 subarray 索引的数组,似乎应该在此任务中实施类似于的方法int indexOf(int[] search, int[] input)

此外,可能需要查找子数组 ( )的所有可能子数组。因此,应该扩展上述方法以查找参数的子范围:searchlotterysearchint indexOf(int[] search, int[] input)


static int indexOf(int search[], int from, int to, int[] input) {
    if (null == search || null == input || search.length > input.length) {
        return -1;
    for (int i = 0, n = input.length - (to - from); i <= n; i++) {
        boolean found = true;
        for (int j = from; found && j < to; j++) {
            if (input[i + j - from] != search[j]) {
                found = false;
        if (found) {
            return i;
    return -1;

搜索子范围的宽度和适当的索引from/to可以生成如下(从整个长度lottery到 2):

int[] numbers = {23, 56, 67, 06, 43, 22, 59, 24, 90, 66};
int[] lottery = {01, 06, 43, 22, 89};

for (int n = lottery.length; n > 1; n--) {
    for (int m = 0; m <= lottery.length - n; m++) {
        int ix = indexOf(lottery, m, m + n, numbers);
        if (ix > -1) {
            System.out.printf("Found subarray %s, width=%d from: %d to %d ",
                    Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(lottery, m, m + n)), n, m, m + n - 1);
            System.out.printf("at index: %d%n", ix);


Found subarray [6, 43, 22], width=3 from: 1 to 3 at index: 3
Found subarray [6, 43], width=2 from: 1 to 2 at index: 3
Found subarray [43, 22], width=2 from: 2 to 3 at index: 4

更有效的实现将使用Knuth - Morris - Pratt 算法来绕过对输入数组中相同值的重复检查。
