首页 > 解决方案 > I'm getting an error "Undefined function 'Romberg' for input arguments of type 'char'." I'm trying to code the romberg integration method


I'm trying to code the romberg integration method on matlab. I think I coded it right but I'm not getting why I have this error.

This is the function.

function[t , r] = Romberg (fun, a, b, nmax)
f = inline(fun);
r(1, 1) = (b - a) * (f(a) + f(b)) / 2;
for i = 1 : nmax
    h(i) = (b-a) /2^(i) ;
   m = 0;
    for k = 1 : (2^(i))-1
        m = m + f (a+k*h(i));
    r(i + 1, 1) = (h(i) / 2) * (f(a) + f(b) + 2*m);
    for j = 2 : i
        r(i, j) = r(i, j-1) + (r(i, j-1) - r(i - 1, j - 1)) / (4^(j-1) - 1);
t = r (i, j)

This is its call

clc; clear all; close all;
a = 0;
b = pi;
nmax = 3;
fun ='sin (x)'  ;
[t, r]= Romberg (fun, a, b, nmax)

And this is the error: Undefined function 'Romberg' for input arguments of type 'char'.

标签: matlabnumerical-integration

