首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 python 在 Windows 10 中获取当前正在播放的媒体的标题


每当在 Windows 10 中播放音频时,无论是来自 Spotify、Firefox 还是游戏。当您打开音量时,窗口的角落会显示歌曲艺术家、标题和正在播放的应用程序,如下图所示(有时它只显示游戏正在播放声音时哪个应用程序正在播放声音)


我想以某种方式用 python 获取这些数据。我的最终目标是,如果某个应用程序正在播放我不喜欢的内容(例如广告),则将其静音。

标签: pythonaudiowindows-10


事实证明,如果没有解决方法,并且通过使用Windows 运行时 API ( )直接访问此信息,这是可能的winrt

显示的所有代码都使用 Python 3 和winrt通过 pip 安装的库


以下代码允许您使用 Windows 运行时 API 的 winrt 包装器收集可供 Windows 使用的媒体信息字典。它不像此处的其他答案那样依赖于窗口的标题/应用程序名称的更改。

import asyncio

from winrt.windows.media.control import \
    GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionManager as MediaManager

async def get_media_info():
    sessions = await MediaManager.request_async()

    # This source_app_user_model_id check and if statement is optional
    # Use it if you want to only get a certain player/program's media
    # (e.g. only chrome.exe's media not any other program's).

    # To get the ID, use a breakpoint() to run sessions.get_current_session()
    # while the media you want to get is playing.
    # Then set TARGET_ID to the string this call returns.

    current_session = sessions.get_current_session()
    if current_session:  # there needs to be a media session running
        if current_session.source_app_user_model_id == TARGET_ID:
            info = await current_session.try_get_media_properties_async()

            # song_attr[0] != '_' ignores system attributes
            info_dict = {song_attr: info.__getattribute__(song_attr) for song_attr in dir(info) if song_attr[0] != '_'}

            # converts winrt vector to list
            info_dict['genres'] = list(info_dict['genres'])

            return info_dict

    # It could be possible to select a program from a list of current
    # available ones. I just haven't implemented this here for my use case.
    # See references for more information.
    raise Exception('TARGET_PROGRAM is not the current media session')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    current_media_info = asyncio.run(get_media_info())


    'album_artist': str,
    'album_title': str,
    'album_track_count': int, 
    'artist': str,
    'genres': list,
    'playback_type': int,
    'subtitle': str, 
        <_winrt_Windows_Storage_Streams.IRandomAccessStreamReference object at ?>, 
    'title': str,
    'track_number': int,


正如 OP 所说,他们的最终目标是控制媒体,这应该可以使用相同的库。请参阅此处以获取更多信息(在我的情况下我不需要这个):


事实上,也可以“刮掉”当前正在播放的媒体的专辑封面/媒体缩略图(显示在 OP 屏幕截图的右侧)(尽管 OP 没有要求这样做,但有人可能想要这样做):

from winrt.windows.storage.streams import \
    DataReader, Buffer, InputStreamOptions

async def read_stream_into_buffer(stream_ref, buffer):
    readable_stream = await stream_ref.open_read_async()
    readable_stream.read_async(buffer, buffer.capacity, InputStreamOptions.READ_AHEAD)

# create the current_media_info dict with the earlier code first
thumb_stream_ref = current_media_info['thumbnail']

# 5MB (5 million byte) buffer - thumbnail unlikely to be larger
thumb_read_buffer = Buffer(5000000)

# copies data from data stream reference into buffer created above
asyncio.run(read_stream_into_buffer(thumb_stream_ref, thumb_read_buffer))

# reads data (as bytes) from buffer
buffer_reader = DataReader.from_buffer(thumb_read_buffer)
byte_buffer = buffer_reader.read_bytes(thumb_read_buffer.length)

with open('media_thumb.jpg', 'wb+') as fobj:

这会将 a 保存media_thumb.jpg到当前工作目录(cwd),然后可以在其他地方使用它。




