首页 > 解决方案 > 明确定义时未定义功能“注册”


我遵循了有关使用 tkinter 创建登录应用程序的教程。一切都很顺利,我以为我理解了代码,直到我尝试运行它。出于某种原因,它告诉我“注册”没有明确定义。这是教程的链接。这就是我在 Visual Studio 2019 中所拥有的。

import tkinter as tk

def main_account_screen():
    main_screen = tk.Tk() #this creates the GUI window
    main_screen.geometry('800x600') #this sets the window size
    main_screen.title('Account LogIn') #this sets the title of the window

    #this creates a Form label
    tk.Label(text = 'Choose: LogIn or Register').pack()
    tk.Label(text = '').pack()

    #this creates the LogIn Button
    tk.Button(text = 'LogIn').pack()
    tk.Label(text = '').pack()

    #this creates a Register Button
    #add command = register in button widget
    tk.Button(text = 'Register', command = register).pack()
    main_screen.mainloop() #this starts the GUI

main_account_screen() #this calls the main_account_screen() function

    #now you need to create a registration window

def register():

# The Toplevel widget works pretty much like a Frame,
# but it is displayed in a separate, top-level window. 
#Such windows usually have title bars, borders, and other “window decorations”.
# And in the argument we have to pass the global screen variable

    register_screen = tk.Toplevel(main_screen)

    #now you need to set the text variables where you'll store the data
    username = StringVar()
    password = StringVar()

    #now you need a label that gives the user instructions
    tk.Label(register_screen, text = 'Enter your detail below').pack()
    tk.Label(register_screen, text = '').pack()

    #now you need to set an username label
    username_label = tk.Label(register_screen, text = 'Username * ')

    #now it's time for the username entry
    username_entry = tk.Entry(register_screen, textvariable = username)

    #now you need to set a password label
    password_label = tk.Label(register_screen, text = 'Password * ')

    #now it's time for the password entry
    password_entry = tk.Entry(register_screen, textvariable = password)

    tk.Label(register_screen, text = '').pack()

    #now it's finally time for the register button
    tk.Button(register_screen, text = 'Register').pack()

如您所见,我刚刚编辑了笔记,因此我了解了更多我需要做的事情(即使它与教程基本相同)。我还尝试在 main_account_screen 函数下放置一些在教程中没有的代码,但它仍然无法工作。

标签: pythonfunction

