首页 > 解决方案 > 连接表为空时超时错误sql


我坚持以下 WITH 部分。当 startdate 和 enddate 条件不满足时没有结果时,查询会花费很长时间并最终返回超时错误。当有记录匹配期间,结果是正常的,没有错误。

    ILY as (
        A.[EANcode] as 'EAN',
        FL.[ContractId] as 'FacContractId',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'Dal' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'Statement' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Dal_Statement',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'Dal' AND FL.[Lt] = 'Account' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Dal_Account',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'Dal' AND FL.[Lt] = 'InvoicedAccount' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Dal_InvoicedAccount',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'Piek' AND FL.[Lt] = 'Statement' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Piek_Statement',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'Piek' AND FL.[Lt] = 'Account' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Piek_Account',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'Piek' AND FL.[Lt] = 'InvoicedAccount' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Piek_InvoicedAccount',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'Enkel' AND FL.[Lt] = 'Statement' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Enkel_Statement',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'Enkel' AND FL.[Lt] = 'Account' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Enkel_Account',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'Enkel' AND FL.[Lt] = 'InvoicedAccount' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Enkel_InvoicedAccount',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'TL Dal' AND FL.[Lt] = 'Statement' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'TLDal_Statement',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'TL Dal' AND FL.[Lt] = 'Account' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'TLDal_Account',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'TL Dal' AND FL.[Lt] = 'InvoicedAccount' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'TLDal_InvoicedAccount',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'TL Piek' AND FL.[Lt] = 'Statement' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'TLPiek_Statement',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'TL Piek' AND FL.[Lt] = 'Account' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'TLPiek_Account',
        SUM(case when FL.[Tp] = 'TL Piek' AND FL.[Lt] = 'InvoicedAccount' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'TLPiek_InvoicedAccount'
        from {FactuurLijn} FL
        inner join {Factuur} FAC on FAC.[Id] = FL.[FactuurId]
        inner join {FactuurContract} FC on FC.[FactuurId] = FAC.[Id]
        inner join {Aansluiting} A on A.[Id] = FC.[AansluitingId]
        inner join {PriceComponent} PC on PC.[Id] = FL.[PrijscomponentId]
        where A.[EANcode] in (select getContracts.[EANCode] from getContracts)
        and FC.[ContractId] in (select getContracts.[ContractId] from getContracts where getContracts.[ContractNummer]  <> '')
        and (FL.[StartDate] >= @StartDate and FL.[EndDate] <=@EndDate)
        and PC.[PriceType] = 'VP'
        and PC.[PriceComp] = 'Levering'
        and FAC.[Show] = 1
        and FL.[ContractId] <> 0
        group by A.[EANcode], FL.[ContractId], FL.[Tp], FL.[Lt]

select .....

我已将联接更改为左联接,并将 sum 子句更改为 ISNULL(SUM(...),0) 但这没有效果。(我更改了一些列名以提高这篇文章的可读性)。

标签: jquerysqljointimeout



InvoicesCheck as (
  CASE WHEN EXISTS (select {FactuurLijn}.[Id]
        from {FactuurLijn} FL
            inner join {Factuur} FAC on FAC.[Id] = FL.[FactuurId]
            inner join {FactuurContract} FC on FC.[FactuurId] = FAC.[Id]
            inner join {Aansluiting} A on A.[Id] = FC.[AansluitingId]
            inner join {PrijsComponent} PC on PC.[Id] = FL.[PrijscomponentId]
            where A.[EANcode] in (select getContracts.[EANCode] from getContracts)
            and FC.[ContractId] in (select getContracts.[ContractId] from getContracts)
            and (FL.[StartDatumFactuurLijnDetail] >= @StartDate and FL.[EindDatumFactuurLijnDetail] <=@EndDate)
            and PC.[PrijsType] = 'VP'
            and PC.[PrijsComponentType] = 'Levering'
            and FAC.[Tonen] = 1)
       then 'TRUE' 
       else 'FALSE'
  end as 'Found'  
FROM {FactuurLijn}
InvoicesLastYear as (
    A.[EANcode] as 'EAN',
    FL.[ContractId] as 'FacContractId',
    case when InvoicesCheck.[Found] = 'TRUE'
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'Dal' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'Statement' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Dal_Statement',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'Dal' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'Account' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Dal_Account',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'Dal' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'InvoicedAccount' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Dal_InvoicedAccount',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'Piek' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'Statement' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Piek_Statement',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'Piek' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'Account' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Piek_Account',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'Piek' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'InvoicedAccount' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Piek_InvoicedAccount',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'Enkel' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'Statement' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Enkel_Statement',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'Enkel' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'Account' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Enkel_Account',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'Enkel' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'InvoicedAccount' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'Enkel_InvoicedAccount',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'TL Dal' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'Statement' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'TLDal_Statement',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'TL Dal' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'Account' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'TLDal_Account',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'TL Dal' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'InvoicedAccount' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'TLDal_InvoicedAccount',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'TL Piek' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'Statement' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'TLPiek_Statement',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'TL Piek' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'Account' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'TLPiek_Account',
    SUM(case when FL.[Tariefperiode] = 'TL Piek' AND FL.[LijnType] = 'InvoicedAccount' then FL.[Hoeveelheid] else 0 end) as 'TLPiek_InvoicedAccount'
        0 as 'Dal_Statement',
        0 as 'Dal_Account',
        0 as 'Dal_InvoicedAccount',
        0 as 'Piek_Statement',
        0 as 'Piek_Account',
        0 as 'Piek_InvoicedAccount',
        0 as 'Enkel_Statement',
        0 as 'Enkel_Account',
        0 as 'Enkel_InvoicedAccount',
        0 as 'TLDal_Statement',
        0 as 'TLDal_Account',
        0 as 'TLDal_InvoicedAccount',
        0 as 'TLPiek_Statement',
        0 as 'TLPiek_Account',
        0 as 'TLPiek_InvoicedAccount'
    from {FactuurLijn} FL
    inner join {Factuur} FAC on FAC.[Id] = FL.[FactuurId]
    inner join {FactuurContract} FC on FC.[FactuurId] = FAC.[Id]
    inner join {Aansluiting} A on A.[Id] = FC.[AansluitingId]
    inner join {PrijsComponent} PC on PC.[Id] = FL.[PrijscomponentId]
    where A.[EANcode] in (select getContracts.[EANCode] from getContracts)
    and FL.[ContractId] in (select getContracts.[ContractId] from getContracts)
    and (FL.[StartDatumFactuurLijnDetail] >= @StartDate and FL.[EindDatumFactuurLijnDetail] <=@EndDate)
    and PC.[PrijsType] = 'VP'
    and PC.[PrijsComponentType] = 'Levering'
    and FAC.[Tonen] = 1
    group by A.[EANcode], FL.[ContractId]

但是,我收到的消息是“as”和“and”附近的语法不正确。我们可以在 WITH 子句中执行 EXISTS 吗?
