首页 > 解决方案 > 从 ifstream 中读取整数。在将 ifstream 传递给函数时



我仍然是一名学习 C++ 的学生,我已经用尽了所有的选择,试图让它按照我的理解发挥作用。

文本文件有 200 行,每行包含一个 int,后跟一个 '\n' 换行符。

当我将 main 函数中的文件读入 int 时,它按预期工作。当我通过引用将 ifstream 传递给执行完全相同的 for 循环的函数时,它会中断给我一个未初始化的 in 作为唯一值。

#include<iostream> // required

using namespace std; // using standard namespace as for this entire program

void readNumbers(ifstream&, int[], int); // passing a input filestream by reference, c style array, and an integer for the array length
int totalInts(ifstream&); // this will read how many lines the file has
int main()
    ifstream is("numbers.txt"); // this is the text file that we are reading from
    int ar[200]; // the array of length 200 that everything will be read into
    int temp; // temporary holding for our ints

    if (!is) // error checking
        cout << "somethings <expletive deleted>";
    else {

        for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) // iterating through the file 200 times and inputting the int into the temp holding, this is being used to test if this method works as expected.
            is >> temp;
            cout << i << ' ' << temp << '\n'; // prints it out for troubleshooting

    //  cout << totalInts(is);
        readNumbers(is, ar, 200);

    return 0;

int totalInts(ifstream& file)
    string i;
    int intNum;
    intNum = 0;

    while (getline(file, i))
    return intNum;

void readNumbers(ifstream &reading, int papi[], int rayLength) // where we really want to read the file
    int temp; // for temp holding while we troubleshoot
    if (!reading)
        cout << "somethings fucked";
        for (int i = 0; i < rayLength;i++) // reads the file for as many time as we have space in the array.
            reading >> temp; // reads into temp
            cout << temp; // outputs for troubleshooting




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E:\Github Repo's\assignment 3.2\Debug\assignment 3.2.exe (process 12832) exited with code 0.
To automatically close the console when debugging stops, enable Tools->Options->Debugging->Automatically close the console when debugging stops.
Press any key to close this window . . .

正如您所看到的,第一个 for 循环的输出与预期的完全一样,但是具有所有相同功能的函数不起作用,并且显示了一个未初始化的 int for temp。

这意味着它没有从我传递给函数的 ifstream 中读取。所以编写了另一个函数,它使用新创建的 ifstream 以及传递的 ifstream 读取文件并打印从两个流中读取的内容。

totalInts(ifstream &file)
    ifstream tester("numbers.txt");
    string  l,i;
    int intNum;
    intNum = 0;

    for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++)
        file >> l;
        tester >> i;
        cout << intNum << ' ' << i << ' ' << l << '\n';
    return intNum;


当使用它时,输出符合预期,因此使用引用将 ifstream 作为参数传递是问题,因为当我创建一个新的 ifstream 时,程序使用该 ifstream 运行良好并按预期读取文件,其中传递的 ifstream 显示没有读取的值。

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E:\Github Repo's\assignment 3.2\Debug\assignment 3.2.exe (process 24600) exited with code 0.
To automatically close the console when debugging stops, enable Tools->Options->Debugging->Automatically close the console when debugging stops.
Press any key to close this window . . .

如果这取决于我,我只需将文件名作为字符串参数传递给函数,并在这些函数中创建新的 ifstream 以使事情正常工作,但是对此的要求是至少有一个函数可以传递ifstream 通过引用并利用它。但是,经过大量故障排除和阅读有关该主题的 stackexange 帖子后,我无法使其按预期运行。



标签: c++fstreamifstream

