首页 > 解决方案 > TCP 数据包结构


有人可以帮我在 nodejs 中用这个数据包结构创建一个 tcp 数据包吗? 在此处输入图像描述

   const net = require('net');
var createPacket = require("./MSPPacketHandler/createPacket");

var host = '';
var port = 23;

let client = new net.Socket();
client.connect(port, host, () => {
    var str = "";
    client.write(createPacket("Roll",0x6c,">")); //This will send the byte buffer over TCP

        str += chunk;

// Packet format
// Header bytes:     0x24, 0x4d
// Direction byte:   0x3c or 0x3e
// Msg Length:       0x00 to 0xff
// Command:          0x01 to 0xff
// Payload Bytes:    .....
// CRC               xx

function createPacket(payload_data,command,direction){
    const packetMainLength = 6; // fixed overhead of packet without payload
    const payload = payload_data; // string
    const packetLength = packetMainLength + payload.length;

    const buffer = Buffer.alloc(packetLength, 0);
    // write common MSP message header
    buffer[0] = 0x24;
    buffer[1] = 0x4d;

    // write direction
    buffer[2] = (direction == "<" ? 0x3c : 0x3e); // to the flight controller

    // write payload length
    buffer[3] = packetLength;

    // write command
    //buffer[4] = 0x6c; // pick the appropriate command to the controller
    buffer[4] = command;

    // put our payload string into the buffer
    buffer.write(payload, 5, payload.length, 'utf8');
    const afterIndex = 5 + payload.length;

    // calculate CRC of direction, length and payload and put it into the packet 
    // after the payload

    const crcStartIndex = 3;
    let crc = buffer[crcStartIndex];
    for (let index = 1; index < payload.length + 2; index++) {
        crc = crc ^ buffer[index + crcStartIndex];

    buffer[afterIndex] = crc;


    return buffer;

module.exports = createPacket;

这是创建数据包功能。它接受三个参数并返回缓冲区。我按原样发送缓冲区,是否需要将其转换为字符串?添加一些随机文本作为 stackoverflow 要求添加更多描述。

标签: node.jstcptcpclientpacket


创建一个Buffer 对象,然后您可以使用该.writeInt8()方法将单字节值放入缓冲区的正确位置(看起来您的格式都是单字节值)或单字节值,您可以直接使用数组索引到缓冲区语法也是。

您必须手动了解哪些值进入缓冲区的哪些字节,包括有效负载长度、有效负载和有效负载的 CRC(如您的图像中所述计算)。


// Packet format
// Header bytes:     0x24, 0x4d
// Direction byte:   0x3c or 0x3e
// Msg Length:       0x00 to 0xff
// Command:          0x01 to 0xff
// Payload Bytes:    .....
// CRC               xx

const packetMainLength = 6; // fixed overhead of packet without payload
const payload = "Hello"
const packetLength = packetMainLength + payload.length;

const buffer = Buffer.alloc(packetLength, 0);
// write common MSP message header
buffer[0] = 0x24;
buffer[1] = 0x4d;

// write direction
buffer[2] = 0x3c; // to the flight controller

// write payload length
buffer[3] = packetLength;

// write command
buffer[4] = 0x1; // pick the appropriate command to the controller

// put our payload string into the buffer
buffer.write(payload, 5, payload.length, 'utf8');
const afterIndex = 5 + payload.length;

// calculate CRC of direction, length and payload and put it into the packet 
// after the payload

const crcStartIndex = 3;
let crc = buffer[crcStartIndex];
for (let index = 1; index < payload.length + 2; index++) {
    crc = crc ^ buffer[index + crcStartIndex];

buffer[afterIndex] = crc;


