首页 > 解决方案 > 尝试访问键时,字典位于其他函数错误 [Python]


我目前正在尝试在我的 file_output 函数中使用我的 file_input 函数中的 Grade_dict 字典,但它不允许我使用这些键,因此我可以在我的 output.txt 文件中插入我想要的内容。它给了我一个 nameError forgrade_category 因为它没有定义。我对 Python 相当陌生,所以我怀疑这是一个我会错过的简单修复。如果我能收到关于我做错了什么的解释,我将非常感激并从中学习。(对于可能不需要的大量代码和信息,我深表歉意。我也是这个网站的新手,我想确保提供所需的一切)


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:/Users/maste/Desktop/CS256/testing.py", line 87, in <module>
    file_output('output.txt', grade_dict)
  File "c:/Users/maste/Desktop/CS256/testing.py", line 79, in file_output
    output_file.write(line + ':' + grade_dict[grade_category][0] + '\n')
NameError: name 'grade_category' is not defined


def file_input(user_file):
    grade_dict = {}
    user_file = open(user_file, 'r')
    points_possible_list = []
    points_earned_list = []
    for line in user_file:
        grades = line.strip().split(', ')
        first, second, *rest = grades
        grade_category = first
        weight = second
        scores = rest
        grades = scores[0].split(',')
        for num in grades:
            points_possible = float(num.split('/')[1])
            points_earned = float(num.split('/')[0])
        grade_dict[grade_category] = [weight, points_earned_list, points_possible_list]
        points_possible_list = []
        points_earned_list = []
    return grade_dict

def average_score(points_earned, points_possible):
    A function that calculates the average score of a single given grading category.
    The function will need to take in two lists as input (one for points_earned, and one for possible_points).
    Returns the floating-point average of the points earned in that specific category.
    # The basic equation that takes the sum of the list of score_earned and the sum of the list of score_possible
    score = sum(points_earned) / sum(points_possible)
    return score

def grade_weighted(points_earned, points_possible, weight):
    A function that calculates the weighted portion of the overall course grade for each of each category given.
    The function will need the list with points_earned, the list for possible_points, and the weight for each category is necessary.
    The function then multiplies the category average times the weight of that category.
    # Makes all the previous scores for each of the categories weighted with this equation
    weighted_score = average_score(points_earned, points_possible) * weight  
    return weighted_score

def letter_grade(grade_total):
    A function that takes in a number between 0 and 1 and returns the appropriate letter grade according to the United States Grading System.
    # Create an if-else-elif statement regarding the grading system mentioned before
    if grade_total >= .93:
        grade_total = 'A'
    elif grade_total >= .90:
        grade_total = 'A-'
    elif grade_total >= .87:
        grade_total = 'B+'
    elif grade_total >= .83:
        grade_total = 'B'
    elif grade_total >= .80:
        grade_total = 'B-'
    elif grade_total >= .77:
        grade_total = 'C+'
    elif grade_total >= .73:
        grade_total = 'C'
    elif grade_total >= .70:
        grade_total = 'C-'
    elif grade_total >= .67:
        grade_total = 'D+'
    elif grade_total >= .60:
        grade_total = 'D'
    elif grade_total >= .0:
        grade_total = 'F'
    return grade_total 

def file_output(file_name, grade_dict):
    output_file = open(file_name, 'w')
    # grade_weighted(grade_dict[points_earned], points_possible, weight)
    for line in grade_dict:
        output_file.write(line + ':' + grade_dict[grade_category][0] + '\n')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # user_file = file_input(str(input('Enter filename (example: text.txt): ')))
    grade_dict = file_input('grade_input.txt')
    #grade_dict = file_input('coding_grades.txt')
    file_output('output.txt', grade_dict)

grade_input.txt 文件内容:

Homework, 10%, 40/40,10/40,30/40,4/5,18/40,40/40,76/80,10/10
Quizzes, 10%, 10/10,10/10,8/10,9/10,0/10,10/10,6/10 
Tests, 35%, 89/100,97/100
Projects, 30%, 56/60,60/60
Final, 15%, 495/550

标签: pythonfiledictionary

