首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将产品计数到按组分隔的多个过滤器中


当您从 GROUP X 中选择任何过滤器/选项以将产品计数/更新到其他 GROUPS->过滤器/选项但不在当前组中时,我喜欢为像这样的在线商店这样的产品过滤器制作计数器


Size (group_id: 33)
  10m (option_id: 52) (21 products)
  20m (option_id: 51) (1 product)

Color (group_id: 32)
  Green (option_id: 49) (22 products)
  Black (option_id: 38) (1 product)

我们只从一个 category_id 127 中寻找结果


如果 option_id: 52 选中

    Size (group_id: 33)
[x] 10m (option_id: 52) (21 products)
  20m (option_id: 51) (1 product)

Color (group_id: 32)
  Green (option_id: 49) (22 products)
  Black (option_id: 38) (1 product)


option_id:38    0,
option_id:49    2,
option_id:51    1,
option_id:52    21

option_id:51 和 52 仍然具有初始状态

如果 option_id: 51 选中

 Size (group_id: 33)
  10m (option_id: 52) (21 products)
[x]  20m (option_id: 51) (1 product)

Color (group_id: 32)
  Green (option_id: 49) (22 products)
  Black (option_id: 38) (1 product)


38  0
49  1
51  1
52  21

option_id:51 和 52 仍然具有初始状态


Size (group_id: 33)
[x]  10m (option_id: 52) (21 products)
  20m (option_id: 51) (1 product)

Color (group_id: 32)
[x] Green (option_id: 49) (22 products)
  Black (option_id: 38) (1 product)


38  0
49  2
51  1
52  2


当您从相同的 group_id 中选择一个或多个 option_id 时,显示产品的逻辑将是


如果您首先选择 option_id:51 它不应该更新 option_id:52 因为它们在同一个组中,但会更新 group_id:32 中的所有 option_id 等等

当您从显示产品的不同 group_id 逻辑中选择 option_id 时

例如:显示尺寸为 10m 且颜色为绿色的产品(如果有)

@Akina 完成了本主题中的大部分计数代码


SELECT options.option_id,
   COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN filter_counter.option_id = options.option_id 
                       THEN product_id 
                       END) option_count
FROM filter_counter
         FROM filter_counter ) options
   FROM filter_counter
   WHERE option_id IN (51) ) filter1 USING (product_id)
GROUP BY options.option_id;

      CREATE TABLE `filter_counter` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `option_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `product_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `category_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `manufacturer_id` int(11) NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO `filter_counter` (`id`, `group_id`, `option_id`, `product_id`, `category_id`, `manufacturer_id`) VALUES
    (1, 33, 52, 5124, 65, 36),
    (2, 33, 52, 5124, 127, 36),
    (3, 33, 52, 5125, 65, 36),
    (4, 33, 52, 5125, 127, 36),
    (5, 33, 52, 5138, 65, 36),
    (6, 33, 52, 5138, 127, 36),
    (7, 33, 52, 5141, 65, 36),
    (8, 33, 52, 5141, 127, 36),
    (9, 33, 52, 5146, 65, 36),
    (10, 33, 52, 5146, 127, 36),
    (11, 33, 52, 5147, 65, 36),
    (12, 33, 52, 5147, 127, 36),
    (13, 33, 52, 5148, 65, 36),
    (14, 33, 52, 5148, 127, 36),
    (15, 33, 52, 5149, 65, 36),
    (16, 33, 52, 5149, 127, 36),
    (17, 33, 52, 5150, 65, 36),
    (18, 33, 52, 5150, 127, 36),
    (19, 33, 52, 5151, 65, 36),
    (20, 33, 52, 5151, 127, 36),
    (21, 33, 52, 5152, 65, 36),
    (22, 33, 52, 5152, 127, 36),
    (23, 33, 52, 5153, 65, 36),
    (24, 33, 52, 5153, 127, 36),
    (25, 33, 52, 5154, 65, 36),
    (26, 33, 52, 5154, 127, 36),
    (27, 33, 52, 5155, 65, 36),
    (28, 33, 52, 5155, 127, 36),
    (29, 33, 52, 5156, 65, 36),
    (30, 33, 52, 5156, 127, 36),
    (31, 33, 52, 5157, 65, 36),
    (32, 33, 52, 5157, 127, 36),
    (33, 33, 52, 7042, 65, 38),
    (34, 33, 52, 7042, 127, 38),
    (35, 33, 52, 7048, 65, 38),
    (36, 33, 52, 7048, 127, 38),
    (37, 33, 52, 7124, 65, 0),
    (38, 33, 52, 7124, 127, 0),
    (39, 32, 49, 7185, 65, 0),
    (40, 32, 49, 7185, 127, 0),
    (41, 32, 49, 7517, 65, 39),
    (42, 32, 49, 7517, 127, 39),
    (43, 32, 49, 7518, 65, 39),
    (44, 32, 49, 7518, 127, 39),
    (45, 32, 49, 7538, 65, 39),
    (46, 32, 49, 7538, 127, 39),
    (47, 32, 49, 7657, 65, 39),
    (48, 32, 49, 7657, 127, 39),
    (49, 32, 49, 7658, 65, 39),
    (50, 32, 49, 7658, 127, 39),
    (51, 32, 49, 7797, 65, 21),
    (52, 32, 49, 7797, 127, 21),
    (53, 32, 49, 7798, 65, 21),
    (54, 32, 49, 7798, 127, 21),
    (55, 32, 49, 7799, 65, 21),
    (56, 32, 49, 7799, 127, 21),
    (57, 32, 49, 7800, 65, 21),
    (58, 32, 49, 7800, 127, 21),
    (59, 32, 49, 7801, 65, 21),
    (60, 32, 49, 7801, 127, 21),
    (61, 32, 49, 7802, 65, 21),
    (62, 32, 49, 7802, 127, 21),
    (63, 32, 49, 7803, 65, 21),
    (64, 32, 49, 7803, 127, 21),
    (65, 32, 49, 7804, 65, 21),
    (66, 32, 49, 7804, 127, 21),
    (67, 32, 49, 7805, 65, 21),
    (68, 32, 49, 7805, 127, 21),
    (69, 32, 49, 7806, 65, 21),
    (70, 32, 49, 7806, 127, 21),
    (71, 32, 49, 7807, 65, 21),
    (72, 32, 49, 7807, 127, 21),
    (73, 32, 49, 7808, 65, 21),
    (74, 32, 49, 7808, 127, 21),
    (75, 32, 49, 7809, 65, 21),
    (76, 32, 49, 7809, 127, 21),
    (77, 32, 49, 7810, 65, 21),
    (78, 32, 49, 7810, 127, 21),
    (79, 32, 38, 7811, 65, 21),
    (80, 32, 38, 7811, 127, 21),
    (81, 32, 49, 8020, 65, 21),
    (82, 32, 49, 8020, 127, 21),
    (83, 33, 52, 8020, 65, 21),
    (84, 33, 52, 8020, 127, 21),
    (85, 32, 49, 8021, 65, 21),
    (86, 32, 49, 8021, 127, 21),
    (87, 33, 51, 8021, 65, 21),
    (88, 33, 51, 8021, 127, 21),
    (89, 33, 52, 8021, 65, 21),
    (90, 33, 52, 8021, 127, 21);

标签: mysql




附带问题:从 MyISAM 切换到 InnoDB。

附带问题:缩小INT(需要 4 个字节)为更小的数据类型。


用户可以单击每个分组中的多个框,对吗?然后考虑让,例如,TINYINT UNSIGNED它有 8 位(在 1 个字节中)来处理最多8 个选项的所有组合。例如,而不是

AND size_id IN (0, 1)   -- 0 means '65in+'; 1 means '50-65in'

AND ((size_opts & 0x3) = 0x3)

即 的底部位size_opts表示 '65in+' 等。


请注意,您的值size_id是 0..4,我size_opts的底部 5 位中的部分或全部将打开。

将 (1 << size_id) 值组合在一起可以让您从size_idsize_opts.



  • 过滤(按品牌/价格/颜色/其他限制显示)
  • 计算有多少仍在运行中(按每个剩余标准)


  • 尽可能缩小数据集
  • 不要在表中包含任何“已删除”的项目等。不要包含任何与过滤和计数无关的列。他们与收缩目标作斗争
  • 尽可能缩小分类。我建议的“摆弄”可能是最佳选择。
  • 动态构建查询。省去不必要的测试。(例如:品牌没有点击时,不要测试品牌。)
  • 换句话说,就是为此目的建立一个表。专注于它;忽略数据的所有其他方面。即使这张表中的数据是多余的,你也必须优化这张表。
