首页 > 解决方案 > 计算收盘百分比的窗函数


我正在使用 PSQL 中的一个查询,我正在尝试使用一个窗口函数来划分另外两个窗口函数计数。这是我目前拥有的:

WITH month_cte as ( Select generate_series(date_trunc('month', current_date) - interval '12' month, date_trunc('month', current_date), interval '1' month) as month_year
select DISTINCT ON (month_year, q.rep_name) month_cte.*, q.*
FROM month_CTE
    select *,
        WHEN date_quoted IS NOT NULL THEN COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY rep_name, date_trunc('month', date_quoted))
        ELSE NULL
        END as month_quotes,
        CASE WHEN edocs_signed_date IS NOT NULL THEN COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY rep_name, date_trunc('month', edocs_signed_date))
        ELSE NULL
        END as month_sales,
        WHEN date_quoted IS NOT NULL And edocs_signed_date IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY rep_name, date_trunc('month', edocs_signed_date))/
    COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY rep_name, date_trunc('month', date_quoted))* 100.0 AS numeric) 
        ELSE NULL
    END as month_closing
    FROM quote_report_view
    ORDER BY rep_name, edocs_signed_date, date_quoted
    ) q
    ON (date_trunc('month', q.date_quoted) = month_cte.month_year OR date_trunc('month', q.edocs_signed_date) = month_cte.month_year)
ORDER BY month_year, rep_name, month_quotes, month_sales


CASE WHEN date_quoted IS NOT NULL And edocs_signed_date IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY rep_name, date_trunc('month', edocs_signed_date))/
        COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY rep_name, date_trunc('month', date_quoted))* 100.0 AS numeric) 
            ELSE NULL
        END as month_closing



"2020-08-01 00:00:00-04"    869272  "2020-08-04 00:00:00"   "2020-08-04 00:00:00"   "Jesus" 1   1   100.0
"2020-08-01 00:00:00-04"    875518  "2020-08-19 00:00:00"   "2020-09-01 00:00:00"   "Jim"   36  1   0.0
"2020-08-01 00:00:00-04"    876462  "2020-08-04 00:00:00"   "2020-08-04 00:00:00"   "Nick"  39  12  0.0
"2020-08-01 00:00:00-04"    873572  "2020-08-04 00:00:00"   "2020-08-04 00:00:00"   "Piero" 63  36  0.0

在我试图计算收盘百分比的最后一列中,我只得到 0.00 或 1.00。我怎样才能使这项工作得到一个真实的百分比?


标签: postgresql


发生的事情是,对于 ex 使用您的数据 db 引擎首先计算除法整数/整数( ex 1/ 36 结果为 0,数据类型为整数)然后它执行乘法 0 * 100.0 (整数 * 输出数据类型为数字数字,但结果为 0.00

  • 所以要么将第一个 count(*) 转换为数字
  • 或乘以 1.0
  • 或者如果您正在计算百分比,首先将第一个 count(*) 乘以 100.00,如下所示:
WITH month_cte as ( Select generate_series(date_trunc('month', current_date) - interval '12' month, date_trunc('month', current_date), interval '1' month) as month_year
select DISTINCT ON (month_year, q.rep_name) month_cte.*, q.*
FROM month_CTE
    select *,
        WHEN date_quoted IS NOT NULL 
            THEN COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY rep_name, date_trunc('month', date_quoted))
            ELSE NULL
        END as month_quotes,
        CASE WHEN edocs_signed_date IS NOT NULL 
            THEN COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY rep_name, date_trunc('month', edocs_signed_date))
            ELSE NULL
        END as month_sales,
        CASE WHEN date_quoted IS NOT NULL And edocs_signed_date IS NOT NULL 
            THEN CAST(COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY rep_name, date_trunc('month', edocs_signed_date)) * 100.0
            / COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY rep_name, date_trunc('month', date_quoted)) AS numeric) 
            ELSE NULL
    END as month_closing
    FROM quote_report_view
    ORDER BY rep_name, edocs_signed_date, date_quoted
    ) q
    ON (date_trunc('month', q.date_quoted) = month_cte.month_year OR date_trunc('month', q.edocs_signed_date) = month_cte.month_year)
ORDER BY month_year, rep_name, month_quotes, month_sales
